Hey sorry for being absent from the forums for a couple months. I want to say the project is making very good progress, and we’ll be ready to show new gameplay footage when the time is ready. It should be soon. for now I want to show a new enemy type, rendered in UE4.
We’ll be showing new gameplay soon, just please keep your eyes out.
Good matrix style.
I would really prefer to have a better hero head for main charater like Dante (DMC games) or others , could the hero have customizable head perhaps like mmo systems ?
Hello Galeon, we really appreciate your feedback. We actually made the conclusion to give the main character a helmet about a month ago, I didn’t want to reveal it yet, but enough comments on the character’s head design encourage me to show it off. I also want to include that we want basic armor customization for the final game. this includes various helmet designs, shoulder pads, and chest-plates. We don’t want to put too much focus on cosmetics at this time when we are working on the core gameplay.
I have been watching this thread anxiously for the past month waiting for an update on the development of Nelo. I must say that this game looks incredible. My breath was taken away when I first saw the video of actually gameplay. Keep up the fantastic work!
This is of the mode called Guardian. it alternates between king of the hill, and tower defense. you defend a beacon from invaders using turrets and traps. but you have to unlock these items by holding down hills to earn credits. this video mostly shows the king of the hill part. the tower defense part still needs refinement.
The lives are set to unlimited to show the progressing waves for at least five minutes.
Both Endurance, and Guardian have a basic loadout system that’ll let the player spawn with any weapon setup. but the options only open up by picking up weapons in the world.
picking up weapons in the level will give you loadout points. the more of these you have, the more options you have for custom loadouts on spawn.
We want to add more special abilities to the character but that’ll be later.
I’m working on a radar system today, This is what it looks like so far. I felt like it would be helpful when in the third person view. I’m still not too sure about the size of the radar as of now. I’ll be making more tweaks to it. In fact, the whole hud will be visually redone when all the features have been implemented.
Fantastic updates! I like the idea of having a radar hud in 3rd person due to how hectic this can get.
In my honest opinion, the radar you have implemented is handy, but it can be a bit more difficult due to the fact that the radar is 2.5d vs the 3rd person camera. The player would have to make that conversion in realtime while playing. This may not bug some people, but I know how discouraging it can be for others.
My suggestion would be to implement a radar hud and a 3D Compass Rose Hud centered at the top of the screen. (I think they had this in Halo Reach for the Objective hud). There are a ton of games that use it, but I am drawing a blank at the moment. Anyway, it is nice because as you turn, the Compass Rose Hud updates (north, south, east, west - and everything in-between) and shows the enemies in real time that are in front or behind you.
In this video, look above the Health (Top of the screen in the center) and you will see the Compass Rose Hud
@JBaldwin I’ll try the compass idea, thank you very much for the input. I’m also not a big fan of having take my eye off the action just to see what’s behind me. sometimes I feel switching to the topdown mode takes less effort. I just need it to be possible to see what’s behind you when in the third person camera mode. the compass idea sounds like a better approach. but I can’t be sure until I test it. I’ll try it out.
No problem. I can’t wait to see it
Something else that you could try is a “rear view” approach. Have two small angled hud windows on the upper left and upper right which allow you to see from behind.
@JBaldwin, IDK if this is what you had in mind but I think it helps keep the player’s eyes on the action. I put arrows that orbit the crosshairs and points at near by enemies off screen. the arrows turn more red when they are closer.
I honestly think this is one of the best things you could have done! It truly keeps your eyes on the action while making it clear where the enemies are located. Great idea and the color value = to the enemy position is also a really nice addition