need some help on death run

I am tring my hand at a death run, I have most of the basics figured out the only two things i don’t get is out to have the start and how to end the game… I have tried to do some searching on it and i can’t really find nothing… would greatly be appreciated of any help.

What type of start are you doing ?, or what is happening when the game starts ?

For an end, maybe a trigger linked to an end game device.

I got most of everything done, its just the start up and now that u said something about how to do an end… the start is just spawn pads, or do i need to do something else?

You need as many spawn pads as players.

If your using the same spawn pads for Island start and game start, it could be useful to place barriers that are enabled in the pregame phase only, so players can’t start the deathrun before the game starts.
In Island Settings the Autostart option and the settings below it are related to how long until the game starts.

You need to upoad to a private version and play it to test how it runs at pregame phase.

If your private upload works it should be good to go.

If your using a seperate area to wait for game start, slightly different settings are needed.

ok thanks for the help… I have one other question… I have the trap spikes if u go through and get killed and then get put back to the respond pad for some reason the spikes are not there but ya get killed like they was there… and ideas for like how i can get them set up.

No unfortunately, there could be certain way that makes them work, but check this thread

Comment and add a vote hopefully it gets looked at.

well i guess that sum’s up why it dont’ work… thanks for your help, i am very grateful

that is what i have for the end of my death run, i have it all set but it won’t end the game… what could i be doing wrong… Thanks for the help and also happy thanksgiving

one other question how do you get your freinds to play with ya when your testing

In the End Game Device settings,
go down and add an element to Activate.
Eye Dropper the coin and set it to On Collected.
That should work.

I’m not sure how to play test with friends

Thanks for all the help… I do appreciate it allot

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sorry to bug ya again, got a question on the poison traps, it seems like they arn’t doin any damage to anyone… is there a setting that i am over looking, or are they broke like the spikes,

Hey, sorry to late respond, didn’t come up in my notifications, feel free to PM me too,

I haven’t used poison traps before, but there are a lot of settings there, they look a bit ?? and the Documentation on it is almost empty.
Exclude Instigator, Exclude Requester, looks like they should be unchecked.
Exclude Pawns Friends, uncheck too, cause everyone is on same team, and that friendly fire tick maybe ??.

It could be broken too…

ok i will check through them settings, they need to make some of this stuff better as to how to use it… and for give me how do i dm ya. sorry…