Need Help with Decal Projection leaking

There 2 things I’m trying to achieve :arrow_down:

  1. Trying to use a cubemap ( fire-damange textured ) with decals
  2. Trying to show enemy awareness region.

For the first case, I already made a world projection which has rotation and translation feature which could be used with BP to get the orientation of the bomb.

this is what it looks like

however as you could see there are two major issues
1. decal projection is leaking through walls.
2. back faces also getting.

For the second case I plan on using the method above as basically both are same.

Now I did not came across an article which clearly describe possible fixes.

One of the things I could ever imagine is really making a custom global shader which will render the “Shadow Pass” it could be either Cascaded shadows or Distancefield Shadows. I don’t really need to do it for whole scene, Only 100 m near player could be enough ; then pass that one at material editor with render target and use it as a mask at the opacity of the decal.

Could anyone help me in this matter? I’m pretty new at using decal but I do wanna try as best as possible.