NavMeshBoundsVolume & RecastNavMesh-Default

Hey Guys,

Ok, I am trying to figure out what these two things are and why I need them. (NavMeshBoundsVolume & RecastNavMesh-Default)

Does anyone use these while level building and why do we need them?



you need only Navmeshbounds. it will create a recast navmesh by itself I suppose.

now you need that for enemys that have this node “Simple Move To/ Simple Move To Actor/Location” wont work unless you have this NavMeshBounds covers the area you want the enemy to move to.

its a collision box and by pressing P, it will turn green showing you the area’s that the Pawn can move to.

By the way , you ask too many question and nobody is reply back to you, that’s weird.

By the way, I have 6 pm messages, people are getting back to me, I could care less what your weak little opinion is of me.

Cheers B.

I aplogize if you don’t like the way I am asking questions.

I quickly make amends.

Problem Solved.
