NavMesh with 2D sprites?

I’m trying to make a 2D sprite move inside my level with the NavMesh thing, I did everything according to this tutorial on youtube, but when I press the key thats supposed to make the NPC move to the location Unreal Crashes? Can NavMesh be used with Sprites? How does someone handle something like this? I want a village that will just basically walk around but hes a sprite. It’s not a side scroller it’s a top-down game with sprites like Final Fantasy, the Nintendo ones.

What is the parent actor type of your AI class? There was an issue in 4.6 and earlier where using AIMoveTo would crash if the actor wasn’t a Character or similar (might have just been if it didn’t have a MovementComponent, but I don’t remember exactly), as it couldn’t find the AgentSettings or something like that.

If it’s not a Character, reparenting to that might help.

Michael Noland

It’s a Pawn parent class

I’ll try re-making him as a character. Is that the only way to change the parent - remaking the item?

Blah Stupid Me. It says right on the class, Character has the ability to move around. Thanks :slight_smile:

You can Reparent in the Blueprint File menu, or in the Class Settings (4.7+) / Blueprint Props page (4.6 or earlier).

Michael Noland