NavMesh runtime generation / addition by level

Hi, I have an issue with navmeshes. I use only static navmesh in my game due to the size of the world (dozens of maps and kilometers of land). The static navmesh served me very well.

In the last few weeks I added a procedural generated dungeon, which spawns only in one area of the world. It changes from time to time. I create the dungeon by spawning modular rooms at runtime. The dungeon is all in one sublevel. I would like the navmesh to be created for this level runtime dynamically, but still keeping the other levels as static.

For what I see UE can only generate new navmeshes if the setting is to “Dynamic” I tried to pass the new actor I spawned to the nav system, asking for an update, like this:

UNavigationSystemV1* const NavSystem = NavigationSystemV1::GetCurrent(GetWorld());

debugging the code I see UE just exits as soon as he finds the setting “static”.

Without a navmesh my AI ill not move :frowning:

Do you know if there is a way around it without turning everything to Dynamic (including navmesh invokers)?