Navmesh not updating on shipping build

I have been trying to find out why the navmesh isn’t updating on shipping builds, its working well on development builds.

I am using UE4.24.2 source, world composition

[My settings][UE 4.24.2]
Force Rebuild on load =True

Auto destroy when no navigation = True

Runtime generation = Dynamic

Observed path tick interval = 0.5

Can be main Nav data = True

Generate Navigation Only Around Navigation Invokers = True

Active Tile update interval = 5

I have invokers on the player character and all the AI.
Everything is working well(but way slower) on development builds.

Is there a way to force navmesh update at runtime,

I tried slightly moving the navboundVolume, with no result

Any help is much appreciated.

I seem to be getting the same issue on 4.25.1, it works fine in a dev build but in shipping my AI have issues moving and some are stuck in place when others have a very small nav field.

Did you manage to fix it?