Navmesh needs to be rebuilt problem

Hi guys, I am having an issue with the Navmesh, it’s perfectly fine until I change any of the settings in the recast nav mesh object and then it stops working completely, even after manually rebuilding the paths in the drop down a ‘Navmesh needs to be rebuilt’ error message pops up and none of my AI objects work at all.

I checked around thinking this is some kind of bug but apparently an issue like this was fixed in 4.8 so I wasn’t sure if I was simply doing something wrong? The only way I can get things working is just using the navmesh as default but I need to be able to change the cell size for my level.

Thanks in advance. :slight_smile:

Did you ever figure this out? I am having the same issue.

me too. Anyone figure it out? I’m in 4.22

Things you want to look at when having problems with your NavMesh:

  • Set Navigation System settings in your Project Settings (make an Agent if one doesn’t exist)
  • Set Navigation Mesh settings in Project Settings
  • Ensure RecastNavMesh object in your level matches these settings
  • Ensure CharacterMovement components match those settings
  • Try moving the NavMesh Bounds Volume around
  • Or, Selecting everything in the level and moving it around has also fixed problems for me.
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Got mine working by deleting the RecastNavMesh object, then tuning my Navigation Mesh project settings and building paths.

One thing that has also broken teleportation is being inside a collision mesh. Built a room mesh and the automatic collision bounds filled the whole room breaking the teleportation.

(post deleted by author)

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