Navigating project-defined Pawns

Unreal Engine provides a navigation system allowing entities to find paths and move on them. While I think it is simple to set up a navigation system for sub-classes of ACharacter, setting the same up for sub-classes of APawn that do not derive from ACharacter proves more complicated to me. I would like to ask how to make my custom pawns use the navigation system.

I have found out (or I believe I have) that after the navigation system has determined the direction to move into, it notifies the UMovementComponent of the pawn in question. I am not sure on this so please tell me whether I am wrong. I was unable to find any documentation as to what methods of the movement component must be implemented in order for the pawn to move. What methods are called by the navigation system in order to tell my pawns where to go?

Provided I have written my custom movement component, are there any additional steps I must take apart from obviously setting my pawn to use the custom movement component?