Native NetSerialize ...PlayerState:UniqueId failed. ¿How to fix?

I have this warning.

LogProperty: Warning: Native NetSerialize StructProperty /Script/Engine.PlayerState:UniqueId (ScriptStruct /Script/Engine.UniqueNetIdRepl) failed.

I think is this function:

Something is wrong? (The program work fine, Online and LAN)

Thank you so much!!

I still having this warning… a year later… :frowning:

bump the post!!

me too, I use UE5.4 with new online service

I found that it was caused by inconsistent packaging versions

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The packages are from “online service”?..
I came back to “online subsytem” because “online service” has a lot of bugs…
I hope the fix it soon… but while “online subsytem” exist i don going to use it again.