Nanite Vertex Color Memory Footprint

I want to dig deep into the memory footprint , if add vertex color to nanite-mesh.
I List the current info I know here:

  1. Vertex Color will add 8.5% memory/disk size to nanite-mesh
  2. Nanite do streaming by page which size is 128Kb

3. Nanite do simplification by triangle strip, local position in nanite- cluster AABB. normal by octahedron encode
4. Nanite create LOD by QEM
5. Nanite do culling by clsuter’s AABB
6. Nanite do raster based in triangle size, one way if Computer Shader
7. Nanite do rendering with visibility buffer with material ID

So I want to figure out:
A. Is vertex color more efficient compared to texture. both of them do some kind of streaming
B. what is the balance point between vertex color and texture sampler.

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