Nanite Tessellation Not Working on Plane

After downloading the “Rocky Land and Rivers” heightmap from I created a simple plane mesh (2 tris) through Modeling, enabled Nanite on the mesh, created a Material with Enable Tessellation and Used with Nanite checked, and tried assigning both the PNG bump map and the EXR bump map to the plane. It did nothing.

I tried multiplying the bump map with a huge multiplier but the plane is still flat. Is there something I’m missing?

Here’s the material setup:

And the result:


As far as I’m concerned at least Displacement is showing for you.

I can’t even get it to show even with adding the nanite lines in the .ini

If you haven’t done that you should try.

There are two lines to add look it up there’s plenty of posts about it.

But still doesn’t work for me I can’t even get displacement to show.

Nanite works tho.

Plug the texture directly and play around with displacement magnitude, make sure the static mesh is nanite.

Just in case double check you have these in your default engine

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That was it! Magnitude! Though, it does not look good at all. I’m going to use the Procedural Mesh Component instead.

Right on. Please consider marking this as answered so others can find it easily.

Sorry but I’m not sure how. I don’t see a button for marking it as the right answer.