Nanite not working

When I check “Enable Nanite Support” and then click “Apply Changes” on my 3D model it ends up looking weird.
What am I doing wrong?

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Your not doing anything wrong. This seems to be happening to A LOT of people, including myself. Hope it gets resolved soon

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Ok, changing RHI from DX11 to DX12 fixed it BUT for some reason Unreal crashes after 1 minute of use, everytime. So I changed RHI to Vulkan and now everything works.

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From what I personally experienced, Vulkan doesn’t do anything in terms of hardware raytracing at all, not even for Lumen. So even though people suggested that as a work around I don’t think that its a very good one. Many people (myself included) also tried to change the RHI with no luck, even people on updated OS and I’m not sure why that’s happened. Its like everybody is getting different results even when doing all of the same steps. This leads me to believe that the real problem lies in UNREAL itself at this point.

Edit: There was another solution where someone suggested forcing NANITE to work on DirectX11 and I attempted this too. However the results are that NANITE will have black blotches all over the mesh and artifacts when viewing meshes close up. So that’s not a good solution either.

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Do you have ray traced shadows on? Nanite doesn’t work well with ray traced shadows, use VSM.

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I don’t use hardware raytraced shadows, only VSMs so that isn’t an issue for me. However, Lumen can be accelerated or improved using hardware raytracing which results in MUCH better visuals and the same goes for the reflections.

Vulkan doesn’t support any of this at all based on my experience in using it. Nanite meshes also behave differently than they do with DIRECTX12, with the LOD’s switching to a much lower poly mesh at even shorter distances from the camera. I’m not sure why that is but its much MUCH more noticeable than just using DX12.

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