My whole stage is very noisy

I want to make a simple scene with rooms so that the picture is nice and clean.
But no matter what I do, it turns out noisy and bad!

My whole stage is very noisy, I don’t know how to solve this problem, I watched a lot of videos and articles, but all the methods don’t work for me, and only make it worse.

At the same time, I want my friends to be able to play the game even without RTX and get a good picture.

The lumen is noisy, the shadows are noisy, everything is noisy. When I turn the camera, I see how the picture more than once becomes normal.

Please help me how to make the picture in UE5 look clean, without noise, without dark spots.

The main problem with noise, ghostly light and flickering shadows is lumen.
For this reason, we include None in DGI.

Then we set the card not to one, but to different LightmassImportanceVolume for light for each room.

Next, reduce the distance between the baking points. (Volumetric Lightmap detail Cell Size)

Don’t forget to disable the Force No Precomputed Lightning checkbox in World

And then we bake the lighting as in UE4.

All the problems that I described above cannot be solved with luminum. Noise can only be masked by more detail.

I was going to say this, just bake lighting, but nobody seems to think that’s an answer :slight_smile:

Lumen is noisey at the moment, that’s it.

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The strange thing is that no one talks about this. Lumen is touted as the solution to everything for everything.
But all the advertised technologies only make things worse.
And the fact that the lumen is turned on according to the standard in the Editor only confuses.

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They mostly can by using TAA or TSR as your antialiasing method.

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I also meant to say, if you just disable Lumen in the project settings, you can still use movable lights, with waiting for it to build, the whole time :slight_smile:

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The main problem with noise, ghostly light and flickering shadows is lumen.
For this reason, we include None in DGI.

Then we set the map not to one, but to different LightmassImportanceVolume for light for each room.

Next, reduce the distance between the baking points. (Volumetric Lightmap detail Cell Size)

Don’t forget to disable the Force No Precomputed Lightning checkbox in World Window

And then we bake the lighting as in UE4.

All the problems that I described above cannot be solved with lumen. Noise can only be masked by more detail.

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