I have created a trigger box that simply detects overlapped actors. The project I am working on is a LAN project so when I spawn in two characters from the same class(I feel like this is something close to the issue), if one of the characters overlaps the trigger box, the trigger box announces that BOTH characters overlapped.
I have no idea why this is happening. The error occurs no matter how many characters there are so when I tested with three players, when one hit the trigger, it registered as if all of them did.
Please help! Any and all responses are appreciated and thank you again for taking the time to read this.
how are you triggering and receiving the overlap event? And in which class(es)?
Hey! Thanks for replying. I am triggering using a standard trigger box and On Overlap Begin event. The problem came to me when I used my own character class but I could replicate it when I just used any of UE4 example characters like the Third Person Character.
I think we need to see some of your code to figure this one out, specifically the part that handles the overlap event
void AUsernamePlatform::OnOverlapBegin(UPrimitiveComponent * OverlappedComp, AActor * OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult & SweepResult)
ATopDownCharacter* playerRef = Cast(OtherActor);
if (!ensure(playerRef != nullptr))return;
UPuzzleGameInstance* gameInstance = Cast<UPuzzleGameInstance>(playerRef->GetGameInstance());
if (!ensure(gameInstance != nullptr))return;
There is the overlap event. I can keep supplying whatever you need but I swear it’s something to do with the “Player Spawn BP”. From what I understand, it spawns in an instance of the player class that is chosen in the GameMode. It’s as if for every character I spawn in, they are all connected. I’ve tried having another character already existing in the level before spawning more characters in and the original seemed to have no connection to the ones spawned in while the spawned in ones continued to trigger events for one another.
How is the function that plays the announcement sound called?