My testaction tied to input t works but my escape action tied to input escape doesnt work. it does exit the scene game play view but my callback isnt called

My test action tied to input ‘t’ works, but my escape action tied to input ‘escape’ doesn’t work. it does exit the scene game play view but my callback isn’t called. I’m printing out a log in each action and the test action is called but escape action isn’t called. Is it something special in unreal already that i need to turn off or override it?

Thank you.

What version of the engine are you working on?
UE 4 would exit game mode on esc, UE5 needs a combination for it to trigger

Try packing your game or running it in standalone game mode and see if it triggers there.

What exact logic is called on escape? Could it be that your game is quitting before you trigger the callback? Please post some more in depth information on the function you are trying to get working.