My progect. Work in progress

ARPG Rekesh Gaal. My progress this week. New modular school and temple!

Hey everyone! This weekend I worked on improving modular houses mechanics in my game Rekesh Gaal! :crossed_swords:
Now the cursor doesn’t interact with objects or enemies on other floors, and when a floor disappears, enemies on that floor also disappear. This will make the game smoother and more logical.

Check out the revamped city temple! :hotel:
This week I’ve also started optimizing the main level of the game! :hammer_and_pick:

City. North-East.

Work in progress…:hammer_and_pick:

City. Park near the castle.

In progress…:hammer_and_pick:

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Weekend Progress: Building the Village Kit!

I’m creating a spooky village house! :skull:

Modeling and texturing in progress!

It feels so cool to be looking through this thread so close to Halloween. Ads an element of spookiness :bat: :magic_wand: Will we possibly be getting an update on Halloween just for fun? :smiley:

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Hey @PresumptivePanda !
Glad you like the spooky vibes! Halloween’s a great time for this game. I’m working on a new spooky village location right now, and I’m hoping to have it ready for Halloween. I’ll keep you posted on my progress!

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Oh brilliant! I can’t wait to see it :slight_smile: Sending you all the good luck!

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ARPG Rekesh Gaal: Building a Village - First Steps!


Happy Halloween everyone! :jack_o_lantern:

Brief overview: Abandoned village in ARPG Rekesh Gaal.

New modular Barn & Dynamic Day/Night Cycle with Random Rain!

ARPG Rekesh Gaal: Ritual Place in the Forest! :evergreen_tree: :deer:

This week I’ve been working on a new boss arena for the main level of ARPG Rekesh Gaal! :crossed_swords:
This video gives a sneak peek at the environment I’ve been creating - full of spooky details like a fallen horse and a spooky altar!

Work in progress: Mountain Pass!

Creating new 3D models and materials!

I continue to create an ARPG Rekesh Gaal!

Check out the new secret area I added to Mountain Pass!

Work in progress: Ruins!

Creating new 3D models and materials!

Mountain Path.

This is one of the mountain climbs near the ruins I’m currently working on!

Ruins. An Ancient City. New Location Overview!

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