Hey everyone! This weekend I worked on improving modular houses mechanics in my game Rekesh Gaal!
Now the cursor doesn’t interact with objects or enemies on other floors, and when a floor disappears, enemies on that floor also disappear. This will make the game smoother and more logical.
It feels so cool to be looking through this thread so close to Halloween. Ads an element of spookiness Will we possibly be getting an update on Halloween just for fun?
Hey @PresumptivePanda !
Glad you like the spooky vibes! Halloween’s a great time for this game. I’m working on a new spooky village location right now, and I’m hoping to have it ready for Halloween. I’ll keep you posted on my progress!
This week I’ve been working on a new boss arena for the main level of ARPG Rekesh Gaal!
This video gives a sneak peek at the environment I’ve been creating - full of spooky details like a fallen horse and a spooky altar!