My meshes get black when applying material

Hi all,

I’m facing a really annoying issue on my project. I am using UE 5.2 and working using bake light. I’ve set my lighting settings and I’m happy enough with it. But when it comes to add materials, everything turns into a solid black, no matter what I do, every single material I use that has any sort of texture, it just turns black. It only works with basic materials with no textures.
Any solution?


Did you try applying the material, and then baking?

The amount of reflected light changes ( and so the darkness of the lightmap ) depending on what material is applied.

Thanks for replying.
I just figured out what was the problem:
I had a bug with the reflections! For some reason it wasn’t working. I created another level and copied everything from one level to another, build light again, set the reflections, it worked.

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