"Multiple Lighting Scenario Levels Enabled"

Hey all,

I’m trying to build a level using level streaming. The level works this way:

-Persistent level that has normal lighting (SkySphere, DirectionalLight, ExponentialHightFog, LightmassImportanceVolume, PostProcessVolume, and Skylight) + Camera, PlayerStart, and RandomLevelGenerator(Actor).

RandomLevelGenerator is selecting random levels from 15 level that are listed under the “Persistent Level” and distribute them to a 4x4 map at begin play. Following this tutorial: Random Level Generator! UE4 Tutorial - YouTube

I tried to build lighting while all maps are visible (stuck on each other) and I have tried to build (lighting only) each map with the persistent level at a time. BUT I still have “Multiple Lighting Scenario Levels Enabled” message shown and sometimes I get “Lighting Needs to be Rebuilt (xxx unbuilt object(s))”

What can I do to solve this problem?



Thank you in advance.

Edit: only 1 map out of the 15 has 1 static light.

I found the answer… Just following this tutorial could solve the problems.

From the tutorial @AKA The Boss posted, it seems that only one lighting scenario should be loaded at a time by having them both be set to blueprint-loaded and using the script to determine which one is loaded.

Also, reflection captures appear to need to be placed in the persistent level, or else a lighting-scenario-agnostic sublevel which is separate and be the same for both scenarios.

It doesn’t work in 4.26, etc no such properties as mentioned in Resolved answer. Possibly, there are more variants to do?