Hello. I’m creating a very large landscape that should be used in multiple levels.
It just serves as an environment - so the gameplay doesn’t really take place on it for the most part.
My problem however is that there doesn’t seem to be a way to store the landscape as a file including all texturing and foliage.
All levels however should take place on the same landscape, but at different locations/parts of the landscape…
It seems to me that the only way to accomplish this is: Create the landscape once and only use a single level. The end of “missions” then teleport the player to the location of the next “mission” and initiates everything that comes with it.
Is there no way to export the landscape, foliage, etc. and reuse it in another level instead? Also exporting the landscape just as a height map and importing it in every level seems like a waste of storage space since it adds over 100mb to every single level - and the foliage and texturing would still be missing.
Well. This was easy to “solve”. I just needed to create a level with the landscape and a level where the gameplay takes place.
Then open the gameplay level and add the landscape level to the Persistent Level with “Streaming method” → “Always loaded”.
Foliage can then be added on the landscape and will be stored in the landscape map file and can be reused.
Hi. That indeed solves the problem, but not in all cases.
It depends wether your game logic is implemented in the level or if it’s universal (Can be handled in any of the scenes). In my game there are multiple areas that I want to separate from each other in landscape wise but also keeping the gameplay in mind. For this we would also be using “Level Streaming” but I would have the gameobjects needed for the game interactions in one scene and the landscape in another. You might need to give the player some time to move between the levels or cover the vision as the game needs to load another set of objects (and unload another) when changing a map.
I now have all the landscapes in a different scenes but I’m not sure if I should follow with the Level Streaming or do the levels more traditionally (Load and unload the whole levels). You move by car so the wisest thing to avoid loading times (ie. Loading Screens) would be to stop the player momentum with a fence or something and then do the load/unload process during the walking phase.