I’ve looked around a bit, and haven’t found a clear answer. I’m brand new to the engine and have mostly been reading and performing minor experiments at this point. I’d like to know if what I have in mind would function before I begin working too much on my project, though, because of course you want to have multiplayer in mind from the beginning if you’re going to include it.
Whenever I see these features brought up, it is within regards of all players each having their own origin and it not being possible because of this - but in this instance I would only require the origin and the world to shift around a ‘leader’ player on an overmap, between instanced combat encounters that all players then cooperatively take part in. Though it is an RPG, so allowing all players to still manage their characters and shop and such between instances of combat is a necessity. All they really need to partake in outside of menu-browsing however is effectively simply spectating the lead player as they move the group, so outside of error they should always stay in the same location and only require the same shift the leader experiences.
What I am certain of is that the overworld would not fit in a single level by normal means, even with a change in scale. Is this possible by default, or would I have to develop my own method/extension/workaround?