Multiplayer TopDown Kit

Just bought it, been having a lot of fun learning from it, thanks a lot for the great package. I wish we can have an improved AI scenario and melee combat perhaps added to this, or in a different package, I wouldn’t mind at all! Keep up the great work.

What would you like to see specifically with the AI?

I am very open to extending the template and very interested in hearing everyone’s feedback. I am keeping a list of what people are asking for and will be considering the items for future updates.

I really have zero experience in blueprinting. I am trying to do something similar to Killing floor/Left for dead. But I wanted to mix up some RPG elements to it, just like Warhammer vermintide. So I am using both your Action RPG Inventory system, and Multiplayer TopDown kit. Now you showed us how to mix those up. I was planning to use your top down assets and convert them into a 3rd Person action game… but yeah. As for the AI, nothing specific, the more the merrier for us new guys to learn. Maybe let them smash the door next time and not get stuck behind it, or open it to access the player. A stun effect? where the zombie holds the player in his place and bites… small things that lead to different blueprint scenarios!

Two things!

  1. I have bumped into this error suddenly after seemingly changing nothing, I unplugged one exec and it did it so I plugged it back in and it refuses to work again, please help?

  2. Any news on the disabling fog of war tutorial? It was trying to do that which caused this error so :confused:

The Error says that you don’t have a reference set anymore for TopDownNetworkPawnReference so it’s accessing none meaning it’s a null reference. It got unhooked somewhere in your changes.

The tutorial is in the works. I would suggest if you aren’t sure what parts you need to remove to wait until the tutorial.
You can still build your projects without removing this stuff as there really isn’t a whole lot that it effects or that you need to remove.
I will have the step by step video up as soon as I can. I am in and out of town on business this week so I can’t give an exact time frame but it’s high on my list.

I know what it says thank you but It doesn’t make any sense - nothing is unplugged.

Here is the only place where that variable is set:

It’s like by unplugging something then plugging it back in it fails to see it anymore.

The error is because the reference isn’t replicated yet to the client when it’s trying every frame to GetUsableActor() with the TraceByChannel.

Is the demo still working? Can you click and mouse over objects and npcs?
If everything is fine but you get those errors when you first start it’s because it might be taking a few frames for the reference to replicate.
You can put an is valid check at the start of GetUsableActor() from TopDownNetworkPawnReference this will prevent the errors from showing because it will only run the code if the reference is valid. I will be adding that in an update.

*** UPDATE ***
Here is the fix if anyone else is seeing this issue.

This will be included with the first update but I won’t be releasing an update until there are more changes.
Also I will be documenting all changes so it will be easy to integrate the changes into your own projects.


Yes, the game still all works etc :slight_smile:

Ill give that a shot thanks!

EDIT: Worked perfectly, thank you!

Any update on the fog of war tutorial?

It’s up on youtube now, I apologize for the delay please let me know if you have any questions.

Removing the Light Radius Fog of War

Perfect! Thank you so much

Could you possibly explain how to make a automatic weapon using this system? Nothing I try seems to make the fireball or useactor fire as if it were automatic.

Basically i’m trying to make it so you hold down your mouse click on an enemy and it fires fireballs over and over until your out of mana

You will want to have your weapon logic in a weapon class as looping this type of logic in your controller or sending multiple updates per sec to the server to shoot a new fireball will flood the server.
Create a weapon system where the players input toggles on/off firing. So the player simply presses the left mouse button to toggle firing “on” for the weapon actor blueprint then it keeps looping and firing while it can and when you run out of mana/ammo or when you release the mouse button it turns off firing.

Hi! Great blueprint, bought it today. I would like to know, is the multiplayer a lan only? How can i search for a server by ip? Thank you

The Unreal MP sessions will only find LAN matches or if you have a STEAM APP ID you can use STEAM for the sessions. If you want to connect to an server by IP you will need to use the connect command.
This is the support epic gives with the engine without any c++ changes. More information about unreal and networking can be found on the wiki Networking Overview for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation

I will add an Input box to the multiplayer screen in the next update so you can easily connect to a server without needing to use the console command.

One note about steam, you can use the STEAM Test APP ID but they do filter out what servers you see when you request a session list. This is because everyone is using that APP ID to test, so they don’t want to be broadcasting tens of thousands of test sessions to everyone. I have had luck finding others sessions on my game in my same city, but don’t expect to be testing multiplayer sessions around the world with the TEST ID.
In order to properly test your game over the internet with STEAM you need your own APP ID.

Hello I have error in the tutorial for merge inventory and topdown kit in the minute 19:46 I get this error can you help me? thank you

Wow that was quick! Thank you!

Hello also I get this error in same code.

Your **PlayerCharacter **class is not a child class of EquipmentCharacter. You need to Parent your PlayerCharacter class to the EquipmentCharacter.
Your PlayerInventoryComponent Reference is an InventoryComponent and it needs to be an EquipmentInventoryComponent.

Let me know if you have any other issues.

I just want to say thank you for your fast reply and help, all now are good.