Multiplayer TopDown Kit

I am working on making improvements to the Menu UI for the next update.

Are there any feature/UI requests people might have for the next update?

A direct connect for multiplayer would be cool :slight_smile:

That is already on the list, a IP address input and connect button :slight_smile:

Also please let me know of anything else you would like to see in the UI.

Whilst not UI I’d love to see the zombies updated to use AIPerception not pawnsensing.

This is awesome, I will keep an eye on this. I only have experience with single player blueprinting, without merging the rpg kit, would there be anything special I would have to set up for weapon switching and also character selecting from a menu for multiplayer? Or would this be done the same way a single player game would go about doing it?

Hi Pirate, just want to say Thank you for an Awesome Kit. The Internet Multiplayer set up is worth the price alone. In fact my reason for purchase. Look forward to the Update. I’m going to add First-Person/Third Person w/ traditional WSAD movement. Off to get a Steam App ID.

is it coming someday soon new tutorial where to merge topdown to inventory kit? and I am so rookie with multiplayer learning just, but how can other player to join this game/kit?? if I am correctly understand have to open cmd and maybe host ipaddress

The tutorial still works. There is just a part when you get the the UI section that you need to watch a section of the new Inventory merge tutorial.
This part simply covers adding the InventoryHUDInterface to the player controller and moving over the Interface Events. It only takes a minute or so.
With the new interface it also removes the need to update the cast nodes in all the UI/Blueprints/Inventory/ Widgets and takes a chunk of time off the migration. So you can just skip that part in the tutorial video as you don’t need to update those UI cast nodes.

If you are having issues merging them together please send me an email at and I will make sure you get up and running.

Does the networking work for IOS/android like for a 4 player game. Thanks

I have not tested with mobile. It uses Unreals built in networking so if that supports mobile then it should but I cannot offer support for mobile.

Version 1.1 - Hotfix - Submitted April 1st 2016
------- Update Notes -------

I am putting together a hotfix release for 4.11. Once I fix the known issue I will submit the files to Epic.
If you want to use 4.11 with the MP TopDown Kit the instructions below will show you how to fix the bugs with the 4.10 version to use it with 4.11.

*** Fixed *** - Zombie Attack Multicast was looping when in chase mode. This event was moved to the correct place in the AI Logic.



  • At the end of the StartAttackState() function delete the NPCharacter Reference ->Multi Attack SFX node highlighted in this screenshot.


  • In the EventGraph add the recently removed Multi Attack SFX after the branch for checking target range. The changes to make are highlighted in this screenshot.


*** Fixed *** - When hitting a zombie with a fireball in 4.11 the collision overlap on destroyed is triggering the zombies and/or players to become hidden.



  • In the Event Graph On Destroyed Event add the node to set the Light Radius Volume’s Set Actor Enabled Collision to False. This fixes the 4.11 bug.
    I also replaced the Get Overlapping Actors ForEachLoop with the LightRadiusVolumes Characters in Light array to make things more consistent with the design.
    You can see the changes to the logic highlighted in this screenshot.


*** Updated *** - changed the InteractWithActor() functions Current Target cast from NPC to BaseCharacter.




*** Fixed*** - Added a has Authority node to the On BeginPlay logic in PlayerCharacter.



  • In the event graph add a Has Authority Switch and only execute the logic for remote users.


How i can get camera closer to player? now it is too far away and how can attach invenroty system controls to topdown kit? I want that i can move player wtih WASD controls

If you go into the MPTopDownNetworkPawn and change the CameraBoom’s Target Arm Length that will change the distance of the camera.

So do you want to keep the click to interact? and just change the movement?
Every Epic starter project has the code for WASD movement so that should be easy to add in on your own to the Controller.
The issue is that the Kit is designed for networked click to move. So there is a lot of code and design choices made to allow networked pathfinding and other considerations.

To disable the click to move aspect when testing your WASD movement open the MPTopDownNetworkController event graph and in the Event Server_ProcessMouseClick you will want to detach the Move to Location & Client Show Mouse Click nodes.

That should get you started in the right direction.

Okay thanks a lot. I purchased it yesterday and now have get it attached to inventory system when watching that great tutorial. Have to only start to add own movements that it move like unreal thirdperson character.
And one stupid question now, if I want to add thirdperson character template movements to topdown kit do i attact those blueprints to topdown player controller.

and i get couple blueprint compile errors, about Inventoryplayercontroller. Have i forget something screenshot: 80f0c9dd98365b1193dce9ae9e67737bcf28e4bd.jpeg

And now I am testing multiplayer to same computer in two different windows. I have set multiplayer number of players 2. And Other “window” host game/session and other join. After that both player has same name and they can’t do anything about each other. They can kills zombies. How to test that multiplayer system with same computer that can damage other player. Or is it easy to test multiplayer system with different computers without building project. Just learning these multiplayer things

The error right there shows it is missing the InventoryManagerComponent cause the reference to that component is giving an error not found.
It’s strange that it is missing the component. But since you have merged the Inventory into the TopDownKit this InventoryController demo class is no longer needed and can be deleted as shown in the tutorial video.

The reason why it’s the same name is because it uses your computer name. This is what unreal does by default.
If you want to enable killing players it should be very simple for you to do, but it sounds like you need to spend a little bit of time learning very basic blueprinting before you start trying to make changes.

If you want to run the program on other computers that don’t have the unreal engine installed you will need to package the game.

People who want to test project have unreal engine installed but not that Topdown kit installed. And I know I have made projects where shoot or kill other players, but I thought that in this package it is already like in tutorial video where player shoot fireball other player. I can shoot and kill zombies.

And I have tried to find that Inventorymanager component but it isn’t in list and I haven’t deleted it, maybe some goes wrong when migrating these projects

Only developers on your project are allowed to use the asset on your project while working for you. You really shouldn’t be giving the asset to people just so they can test it.
If you want people to test your game it’s better to build a packaged version anyways.

You can shoot the other players by holding shift and aiming at them but by default other players are not “hostile” but you can still hit them with your fireballs like in the videos.
To make players hostile and attackable this is very easy to change with the following step:

Make sure first you have applied the changes posted in the 1.1 update notes
1.) Open the PlayerCharacter class and set Is Hostile to True](

Now you will be able to attack other players if they are hostile. You can now setup your own code to flag players as hostile or friendly.

For your merge issues please send me an email at and I can help you with getting your merge completed.

I doesn’t mean that i give my assets to everypeople. I mean our game studio people who are testing it

My apologizes I misread it :slight_smile: