Multiplayer Crash on RepLayout.cpp after upgrade from 4.18.1 to 4.18.2


After upgrading to 4.18.2 from 4.18.1 we are having a crash when trying to open TWO PIE windows to test multiplayer behavior.

It seems the game crash when loading blueprints that have replicated notify variables.
The game initialize fine, client connect to server fine, but when they start to load some blueprints the game crash…

Running the same version of the game on 4.18.1 won’t crash.

Log File



Following up on my problem, we found that if we recompile every blueprint that have a rep-notify variable on it, we can successfully run multiplayer with two PIE windows.
We need to do this every time the editor restart, otherwise, the editor will crash.

If we test multiplayer behavior using two computers and running the game in standalone mode, we don’t have this issue (probably because the game is build from zero).

If we disconnect EVERY rep-notify variable and restart the editor, the game STILL crash, meaning that our rep-notify functions are not causing the issue. But if we recompile the blueprints, the game will run without problems.

For testing propose, we created a blank third person template project, declared a boolean rep-notify variable on the third person character, that execute a very simple function, and no problems were observed when running PIE mode with two windows. So we are clueless on why our project is behaving like this.


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