Unfortunatly I have found AddOnScreenDebugMessage method for testing if your network functions are being called to be useless. A better method is to add a log that tells you if the function was called on the client or the server and print a message. My general function is declared in MyGame.h
void WriteMyGameLog(FString Msg)
if (GEngine)
if (GEngine->GetNetMode(GetWorld()) == ENetMode::NM_Client)
// set this one to log so it shows grey
UE_LOG(MyGameLog, Log, TEXT("CLIENT - %s"), *Msg);
else if (GEngine->GetNetMode(GetWorld()) == ENetMode::NM_ListenServer || GEngine->GetNetMode(GetWorld()) == ENetMode::NM_DedicatedServer)
// set this one to error so it shows red.
UE_LOG(MyGameLog, Error, TEXT("SERVER - %s"), *Msg);
Now because this is declared in your MyGame.h it is included in all your C++ files and can be called to write to your game log. You can see the output in the editor under the Output Log found under the Window Drop Down menu (may be under Window → Developer → Output Log) or (Window → Output Log). Basically open this up, run your game, and look for your log entries and they will correctly tell you if the message is on the server or client.