Multicast Executed On Server Not Executing On All Clients

I am currently developing a multiplayer prototype, via a listen-server.
In the game, the player is able to enter/exit vehicles, and this is where it goes wrong:

After interacting with the vehicle (client-side) a function gets called on the player controller, that executes on the server (ServerEnterCar), which on its turn calls a function on the clients via multicast (ClientEnterCar).

This logic works completely fine when it is called from a client (so not the server client)
but when it is called from the server client itself, it is not being executed on the other clients.


	void TryEnterCar(AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn);
	UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, BlueprintCallable)
	void ServerEnterCar(AFreeroamPlayerController* controller, AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn, APlayerCharacter* InPlayerCharacter);
	UFUNCTION(NetMulticast, Reliable, BlueprintCallable)
	void ClientEnterCar(AFreeroamPlayerController* controller, AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn, APlayerCharacter* InPlayerCharacter, bool setAsDriver);

	void ServerEnterCarBP(AFreeroamPlayerController* controller, AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn, APlayerCharacter* InPlayerCharacter);
	void ClientEnterCarBP(AFreeroamPlayerController* controller, AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn, APlayerCharacter* InPlayerCharacter, bool setAsDriver);


void AFreeroamPlayerController::TryEnterCar(AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn)
	if (!PlayerCharacter)
		PlayerCharacter = GetPawn<APlayerCharacter>();

	if (PlayerCharacter)
		ServerEnterCar(this, InPawn, PlayerCharacter);

void AFreeroamPlayerController::ClientEnterCar_Implementation(AFreeroamPlayerController* controller, AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn, APlayerCharacter* InPlayerCharacter, bool setAsDriver)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Yellow, TEXT("CLIENT: ENTER CAR"));

	ClientEnterCarBP(controller, InPawn, PlayerCharacter, setAsDriver);

void AFreeroamPlayerController::ServerEnterCar_Implementation(AFreeroamPlayerController* controller, AMyWheeledVehiclePawn* InPawn, APlayerCharacter* InPlayerCharacter)
	ServerEnterCarBP(this, InPawn, PlayerCharacter);

Thanks in advance for the help!

well the multicast is working then so maybe the server just isnt calling it, have you got something blocking that, for instance a switchisremote.

id throw a breakpoint/printstring back and see where the server is losing the call.

Multicasts along with all other replication is dependent on “Relevance”.

Check your Network Cull Distance value. If a player is not in the NCD hemisphere then replication will not apply.

For clarity when a multicast or any other replication task is called the engine checks relevance and priority. If X player does not meet the requirements then the data is not sent to them.

Quick update on this, I still don’t really know what was happening in my specific case.
I checked my Cull Distance, Relevance as RevOverDrive suggested, but nothing seemed to be off there.
I was indeed using some switchisremote nodes in the blueprint section of this actor, but at this point the BP was too much spaghetti to handle.
So I ended up completely starting from scratch, and now it seems to be working properly.

TLDR; I ended up rewriting it from scratch, more CPP based than BP, and it seems to be working now.

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