Movie Render Queue messed up my Viewport lighting for Procedure Tree Foliage after rendered

Everything is fine with MRQ, it rendered correctly with the scene including my foliage as final exr output except what comes after I rendered it somehow interfered with my current level lighting whch was building something that messed up my viewport when all of the trees and some grass was brightened.

If I render queu again, it wouldn’t bring the same problem as the viewport so that’s a good thing however I’m left dealing with a workflow where I won’t able to know the information I’m working with if I want to change, and tweak the lighting.

Here is what my scene level looks like

Now after I rendered, this is the result when it builds my level.

I cannot build light only when it was greyed out. So I turned off all the light and the foilage was still the same as if the trees and grass have become emissive even though I don’t have it on my materials . The only thing that changes is if I turn off Post Processing which makes everything normal brightness with no effects .

So I believe it has to do with post-process but I don’t know what.