Movie render queue batch rendering gives errors

My movie scene render queue Batch rendering will not work.
whenever i paste this into a command promt in the project directory, it gives me errors.
here is the string:

"K:\UE_5.0\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe" "E:\_Work\908\Project\MunichRe\Projects\VP908\VP908.uproject" /Game/Envs/Scene01/Scene1_Main -game -MovieSceneCaptureType="/Script/MovieSceneCapture.AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture" -LevelSequence="/Game/Assets/Scene01/Sequences/SingleCams_1" -MovieFrameRate=25 -noloadingscreen -resx=1280 -resy=720 -MovieFormat=JPG -MovieQuality=75

and this is the error:

At line:1 char:49
+ ... Editor.exe" "E:\_Work\908\Project\MunichRe\Projects\VP908\VP908.uproj ...
+                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token '"E:\_Work\908\Project\MunichRe\Projects\VP908\VP908.uproject"' in expression or statement.
At line:1 char:112
+ ... :\_Work\908\Project\MunichRe\Projects\VP908\VP908.uproject" /Game/Env ...
+                                                                  ~
You must provide a value expression following the '/' operator.
At line:1 char:112
+ ... Projects\VP908\VP908.uproject" /Game/Envs/Scene01/Scene1_Main -game - ...
+                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unexpected token 'Game/Envs/Scene01/Scene1_Main' in expression or statement.
    + CategoryInfo          : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedToken

i basically copy pasted the syntax from the documentation.
Also, what riddels me most, is this argument in the example: -MovieSceneCaptureType=“/Script/MovieSceneCapture.AutomatedLevelSequenceCapture”
because nor this path or this file is a thing. neither in any project or the UE5 engine folder.
there are source files for that file tho

A link to the documentation you’re referencing might help others.

here you go

That’s from 4.26 so the first step was to see if anything changed in UE5. Evidently, there has been some changes but no UE5 docs.

oh this is very interesting! thank you for this find! i will look into it @scottunreal !

Just in case anyone is interested in the new syntax.
according to the thread/video @scottunreal linked to, the correct syntax is shown in the Engine file “MovieRenderPipelineCommandLine.cpp”
but find the extracted version also here:

* Command Line rendering supports two options for rendering things. We support a very simple 'provide the level sequence/settings to use'
* option which mimicks the old command line support. Option two is more advanced where you provide your own Executor. To allow for flexibility,
* the only thing required here is the executor path, a queue/level sequence are optional.
*	Option 1: Simple Command Line Render.
*		- Level Sequence (Required unless you pass an entire Queue asset, passed via -LevelSequence="/Game/...")
*		- Preset or Queue to use (A preset is required if using a Level Sequence above, passed via -MoviePipelineConfig="/Game/...")
*		- Will render on current map
*		ie: 
*			"E:\SubwaySequencer\SubwaySequencer.uproject" subwaySequencer_P -game -LevelSequence="/Game/Sequencer/SubwaySequencerMASTER.SubwaySequencerMASTER" -MoviePipelineConfig="/Game/Cinematics/MoviePipeline/Presets/SmallTestPreset.SmallTestPreset" -windowed -resx=1280 -resy=720 -log -notexturestreaming
*		or:
*			ie: "E:\SubwaySequencer\SubwaySequencer.uproject" subwaySequencer_P -game -MoviePipelineConfig="/Game/Cinematics/MoviePipeline/Presets/BigTestQueue.BigTestQueue" -windowed -resx=1280 -resy=720 -log -notexturestreaming
*	Option 2: Advanced Custom Executor. 
*		- Executor Class (Required, pass via -MoviePipelineLocalExecutorClass=/Script/MovieRenderPipelineCore.MoviePipelinePythonHostExecutor)
*		- Level Sequence or Queue (Optional, if passed will be available to Executor)
*		- Python Class Override (Optional, requires using MoviePipelinePythonHostExecutor above, pass via -ExecutorPythonClass=/Engine/PythonTypes.MoviePipelineExampleRuntimeExecutor
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