I’ve been trying to set up a basic Enemy class, and I wanted to start by the minimal functionality: automatically moving it from one point to another.
I cannot make an AI controlled pawn to move to the goal location. It will simply stand frozen, not even reproducing the animation from the animation instance blueprint I assigned to it.
Things that I’ve checked/tried:
- AIController successfully possesses the pawn.
- Checked character’s movement component, everything seems OK.
- Navigation Mesh Bounds Volume placed, and generated navigation mesh includes both the pawn and the goal location.
- Erasing and re-placing both the NavMesh Bounds Volume and the Enemy in the level doesn’t do the trick.
- MoveTo() seems to find a path between the pawn and the goal location.
Now, a more detailed break-down of what I’ve already tried:
I started with the simplest setup I could think of: directly calling MoveTo onon a method from the Enemy’s controller:
void AEnemyAIController::DebugMoveToLocation()
bDebugEventScheduled = false;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Debug MoveTo locaiton function called"))
if (GetPawn() && TargetPawn)
AEnemy* enemy = Cast<AEnemy>(GetPawn());
if (enemy)
FAIMoveRequest MoveRequest;
FNavPathSharedPtr NavPath;
MoveTo(MoveRequest, &NavPath);
if (NavPath)
if (NavPath->GetPathPoints().Num() > 0)
for (auto pt : NavPath->GetPathPoints())
DrawDebugSphere(GetWorld(), pt, 20.f, 12, FColor::Red, true);
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("NO PATH FOUND (path had 0 points)"))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("NO PATH FOUND (path was NULL)"))
This is how TargetActor
is initialized:
void AEnemyAIController::BeginPlay()
TargetPawn = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerPawn(this, 0);
And this is how I set a timer to call to DebugMoveToLocation()
every 5 seconds:
// Called every frame
void AEnemyAIController::Tick(float DeltaTime)
if (!bDebugEventScheduled)
if (GetPawn())
GetPawn()->GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(DebugTimer, this, &AEnemyAIController::DebugMoveToLocation, 5.0f);
bDebugEventScheduled = true;
It seems to success in finding the path, but not when moving the enemy, as you can see from Visual Logger:
Any ideas of what I’m doing wrong here?
Thanks in advance!