MoveTo finds a path to the target but doesn't move the character

I’ve been trying to set up a basic Enemy class, and I wanted to start by the minimal functionality: automatically moving it from one point to another.


I cannot make an AI controlled pawn to move to the goal location. It will simply stand frozen, not even reproducing the animation from the animation instance blueprint I assigned to it.

Things that I’ve checked/tried:

  • AIController successfully possesses the pawn.
  • Checked character’s movement component, everything seems OK.
  • Navigation Mesh Bounds Volume placed, and generated navigation mesh includes both the pawn and the goal location.
  • Erasing and re-placing both the NavMesh Bounds Volume and the Enemy in the level doesn’t do the trick.
  • MoveTo() seems to find a path between the pawn and the goal location.

Now, a more detailed break-down of what I’ve already tried:

I started with the simplest setup I could think of: directly calling MoveTo onon a method from the Enemy’s controller:

void AEnemyAIController::DebugMoveToLocation()
    bDebugEventScheduled = false;
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Debug MoveTo locaiton function called"))
    if (GetPawn() && TargetPawn)
        AEnemy* enemy = Cast<AEnemy>(GetPawn());
        if (enemy)
            FAIMoveRequest MoveRequest;

            FNavPathSharedPtr NavPath;

            MoveTo(MoveRequest, &NavPath);

            if (NavPath)
                if (NavPath->GetPathPoints().Num() > 0)
                    for (auto pt : NavPath->GetPathPoints())
                        DrawDebugSphere(GetWorld(), pt, 20.f, 12, FColor::Red, true);
                    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("NO PATH FOUND (path had 0 points)"))
                UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("NO PATH FOUND (path was NULL)"))

This is how TargetActor is initialized:

void AEnemyAIController::BeginPlay()

    TargetPawn = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerPawn(this, 0);

And this is how I set a timer to call to DebugMoveToLocation() every 5 seconds:

// Called every frame
void AEnemyAIController::Tick(float DeltaTime)

    if (!bDebugEventScheduled)
        if (GetPawn())
            GetPawn()->GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(DebugTimer, this, &AEnemyAIController::DebugMoveToLocation, 5.0f);

        bDebugEventScheduled = true;

It seems to success in finding the path, but not when moving the enemy, as you can see from Visual Logger:

Any ideas of what I’m doing wrong here?

Thanks in advance!

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I switched to calling MoveTo() in a method different than OnPossess(), and it seems to be able to find the path without any problems, but it’s still unable to move the character.

Since the problem doesn’t seem to be related with the BT, I removed any reference to it from the original post and updated it with this new info.

Again, any help is appreciated!