Movement Animset Pro - [Submitted]

As I said in my earlier post, I would gladly help you with setting up a controller for these if you need any additional assistance. The only complicated one is the turn-in-place, depending on your camera set up.

Downloaded the sample pack. Some feedback, but root animation isn’t really ideal for walk cycles and similar things. It takes away a lot of control from the creator. I can see the purpose but Unreal’s options with root animation are a little more limiting, and blending between root animations is a bit trickier. Using it for melee combat and other such things is great, but for walk cycles its not the best.

Gladly, but I have a whole indie game (Aliens, Trolls & Dragons - I actually use these animations there - selling them is a way fund the game) to finish first and a lot of animating to do :). I don’t really have time to learn UE in the next half a year. A day has only 24 hours, I wish it had more :confused:


It was just brought to my attention, that Unreal Engine 4 doesn’t fully support Root Motion. Apparently you can’t use animations with Root Motion in Blendspaces, for directional walking etc.

Is that true? Can somebody confirm or deny?

All the smoothness and natural movement in my animations comes from Root Motion. Every animation has it (as seen in videos).

I’m not sure, because I am a complete noob about animation.
But I have understood that at this time you can use animMontages and the support for blends is close to be available

the trello roadmap:

(I’m not sure if this is what you asked)

That’s EXACTLY what I mean. Until blendable root motion is supported, I can’t sell my animations :confused:

I don’t see any problems honestly. Most people will, tear those animations into even smaller chunks and use AnimMontage + AnimBlueprint + IK, as it seem now to be prefferable way to work with Unreal animations.

Nobody sane play animations directly in Unreal, as AnimSequences, do not have any properties which allow to make any good use of them in code.

Yeah… I just opened a www store, sold 2 packages, recieved an email with complaint that all anims have root motion, gave 2 refunds, closed the store. So there. We are waiting for blendable root motion support :).

Like I said in my earlier message, you might want to consider releasing a version without root motion. I personally like to control my character movement in code, not in animation. It’s great for melee attacks and other things, but not great for walk cycles.

I’m doing that right now. There will be 2 versions of every animation included in the set - root motion and in place. Price won’t change. It’s not that much work for me so… you will be able to decide for yourself.

Glad to hear! Thanks for listening to the community’s needs.

It’s done. Not much work, was it :slight_smile: Tested on default TPP demo controller, works nice. I still like Root Motion better though… and all this 45/90/135/180 deg. walk and run starts/stops etc. will be very hard to sync with procedural capsule movement without root motion, so this update better be soon :slight_smile:

Sooo… both packages now have a total of 546 anims.

Hi Kubold. Looking at Trello, you have been moved from Animations to In Marketplace Queue.

I hope this means that you have made it, and you will be included in the next release. :slight_smile:

…ee, nobody from Epic contacted me. So I don’t know.

Try this:

I hope everything gets sorted as soon as possible. I can’t wait to integrate them into my game. :slight_smile:

Good luck!

I mean, I know that they are moving the blocks on their page. That’s cool. I guess it will be another 4 weeks in the queue, before I can even try o submit some actual assets for Epic to review ;). I already started selling my animations for UE4 some time ago, because it takes soooo much time for Epic to make a move. But that’s good in a way - some cool early adopters keep giving me feedback and I’m adjusting the set to better fit UE4 system. I hope the submission process is going to take 10x shorter (like 2 weeks, not 2 months) in the future.

And it would be useful to have root motion blending support, to get the most of my sets. That would mean no foot sliding at all and no worries about matching movement speed with animations.

Over a week and we’ve not heard from Epic on the situation. Kubold, have you posted a request on Answerhub for root motion blending support?

I thought it was supposed to be done in September according to this: Trello

Anyway, all my animations now have 2 versions (in place and root motion), so this is not a problem. You can use AnimMontage for starts and stops with root motion and in-place animations for all the blendable loops.

There was a question asked about it in the Unreal Engine 4 Twitch Broadcast for the 4.5 release, but the Tech Director didn’t know.

I haven’t had a to see the latest Twitch (I watch them on ), but the title for that is Unreal Engine 4 Twitch Broadcast - Animation & Rigging Toolkit and EGX Recap - Live from Epic HQ. (Upload date is 2nd Oct). Maybe there is something in there.

Have you had any luck with setting up a character controller with your animations? I’m able to get some basic blend spaces together, but having trouble with using your walking start & stop animations with it. I tried putting them as states but there’s always an input lag.

If you even have a basic set up it would be great to see.

Hi, with my game Aliens, Trolls & Dragons release coming, I don’t have any time to learn Unreal now. I have a lot of experience with UE3 (3, not 4), but as an animator, not a coder. I will start learning this engine in spare time, or after the release of ATD (which by the way, also uses exactly these animations).

Quick, universal (non-engine specific) tips for achieveing better controls resposivity:

  1. Play start and stop animations with x1.1 or x1.2 speed. Remember that it’s expected for game characters to move a little faster than real life people
  2. Play start animations from 1/3 of their duration. Meaning - cut out, or rewind the first 1/3 of the start walk animations. Blending will keep the transition smooth anyway.
  3. Remember, that start and stop animations, also have to be able to blend with each other. So, if player stops moving for a moment and starts right away, don’t wait for the “stop walking” animation to finish. Blend right away to “start” animation.