Move to Location or Actor fails when the Goal Location is outside the nav mesh, but Use Pathfinding is set to False.
The documentation indicates that when Use Pathfinding is False, the AI agent will move in a straight line towards the goal irrespective of the nav mesh. However it is not doing this when the Goal Location is outside the nav mesh. Instead the entire request fails and the agent does not move at all. If the Goal Location is inside the nav mesh, then it works. This contradicts the documentation and the very purpose of Use Pathfinding, which leads me to believe it is a bug.
The expected behaviour when Use Pathfinding is set to False is that the AI agent should move in a straight line towards the Goal Location regardless of where said location is, whether it is in the nav mesh or not shouldn’t matter.
Could you provide screenshots of any Behavior Trees, Blueprints, and other assets that are related to this so I can get an idea of what your setup looks like?
Do you have Project Goal Location enabled by chance, or Project Point to Navigation?
I’m trying to use the Move To Location or Actor blueprint node, which provides both an On Request Failed and On Move Finished output pin. I need to use this one so that I know when the move is complete.
Here is how I have it set up. There are no options for Project Goal Location or Project Point to Navigation. That is probably what this node needs to fix the problem as it is probably doing that by default even when Use Pathfinding is disabled like I have it.
To get around the issue for now, I’ve resorted to using the Move to Location node. Unfortunately, this node doesn’t tell you when the move is finished so I’ve had to rely on a hack delay node until this gets fixed.
To fix the problem, the Move To Location or Actor node either needs to ignore the nav mesh when Use Pathfinding is disabled (as indicated by the docs) or it needs a Project Destination to Navigation option like Move to Location does.
I’ve been having a conversation with one of our developers regarding this, and I plan on taking a closer look at it early this week. Thanks for your patience. I’ll respond as soon as I have new information.
Moreover… Use Continuous Goal Tracking doesn’t seem to do anything, in any context. Is it also bugged? It doesn’t work for Locations, yet Actors track continuously anyway. It seems to me like this node, and all Move To nodes are bugged. Both Actor and Location goals should be able to evaluate both as Once or Continuously.