Move pawn along forward/right vectors

I have created a pawn that moves along the x and y axis, and rotates left and right. However, when I rotate, the pawn still moves along the original x and y axis, so it doesn’t look right when it moves after rotating. How would I use the pawns forward and right vectors to correct the movement so that the pawn still moves correctly?

Hi ! Looks like a duplicated question, check the answer here :

Unfortunately, when I tried to implement this, it didn’t work. I don’t know why, but apparently this approach doesn’t work for me. Thank you though.

Then maybe your rotation code is doing something wrong, do you rotate controler ? Pawn ? Camera ?

I’m rotating a pawn. I have a variable which gets the pawns rotation and then adds/subtracts depending on the buttons pressed. However, the vectors do not rotate and I cannot figure out how to get them to rotate.

Could you share:

-your moving code + name of method + class it is in

-your turning code + name of method+ class it is in

void ADuck::Tick(float DeltaTime)

// Turning left and right
FRotator TurningValue = GetActorRotation();
if (bTurningLeft)
	TurningValue.Yaw -= 1;
if (bTurningRight)
	TurningValue.Yaw += 1;

// Move in all directions, but restrict movement to set distance so duck stays on water
if (!Velocity.IsZero())
	FVector NewDuckLocation = GetActorLocation() + (Velocity * DeltaTime);
	NewDuckLocation.X = FMath::Clamp(int(NewDuckLocation.X), 150, 665);
	NewDuckLocation.Y = FMath::Clamp(int(NewDuckLocation.Y), 120, 675);


void ADuck::MoveForwardBackward(float AxisValue)

// Move along the x-axis using controls set in the project settings
Velocity.X = FMath::Clamp(AxisValue, -1.0f, 1.0f) * 500.0f;


void ADuck::MoveLeftRight(float AxisValue)
// Move along the y-axis using controls set in the project settings
Velocity.Y = FMath::Clamp(AxisValue, -1.0f, 1.0f) * 500.0f;

void ADuck::LeftTurn()
bTurningLeft = true;

void ADuck::LeftStop()
bTurningLeft = false;

void ADuck::RightTurn()
bTurningRight = true;

void ADuck::RightStop()
bTurningRight = false;

// Input functions for movement, turning 
void MoveForwardBackward(float AxisValue);
void MoveLeftRight(float AxisValue);
void LeftTurn();
void LeftStop();
void RightTurn();
void RightStop();

// Input variables for movement, turning
FVector Velocity;
bool bTurningLeft;
bool bTurningRight;

This is all the code to do with turning and moving at the moment.

so using

 FVector NewDuckLocation = GetActorLocation() + (TurningValue.RotateVector(Velocity) * DeltaTime);

doesn’t work ?
remove your binary folder and rebuild to be sure to have up to date binaries

This works for moving along the y axis, or left and right, but when I attempt to move forward and backward along the x axis, I find that I can only move forward no matter which button I press, and if I try to go forward I end up going down and through the floor, and if I go backwards I end up going up and floating above the floor. I will try using clamp on the z axis of the duck, but I’m still not sure what to do about the only moving forwards thing.

And by clamping the z axis, I now cannot move forward and backward at all

I fixed it by changing the direction of movement from the x axis to the z axis, thank you for pointing me in the right direction

Then maybe try :

FVector NewDuckLocation = GetActorLocation() + (FRotator(0, TurningValue.Yaw, 0).RotateVector(Velocity) * DeltaTime);