Mortar Pro Comprehensive Solution for Creating Turrets

Welcome to the Mortar Pro Plugin

Greetings everyone I am very excited to announce my new plugin Mortar Pro which provides a comprehensive solution for implementing autonomous turret guns. The plugin simplifies the development process for creating autonomous turret guns in your single-player games so that you guys can focus on other aspects of your games. This plugin is a successor of the Modular Turret C++ Plugin which was released in 2020.



  • Highly Customized - The plugin allows high customization and the user can add his functionality easily.
  • Niagara Effects - The Plugin provides Niagara effects for explosions, hits, and trails.
  • High-Quality Mesh and Textures- The plugin comes with high-quality meshes for Turret guns(along with LODs), and projectiles.
  • Health System - Plugin comes with a proper health system. This system is generic and can be used in other projects as well.
  • Team system - This generic system provides team-related functionality.
  • AI - Proper AI system for target detection.
  • Multiple shooting modes - Plugin provides multiple shooting modes like Burst shooting and Semi-Automatic.
  • Aiming at moving Target - Plugin gives a solution for shooting at the predicted position based on target movement.
  • Projectiles - Plugin provides various classes of projectiles like Movement based projectiles and line trace projectiles. Further Projectiles that behave as mine, homing projectiles and flare projectiles are also present.
  • Pooling System - Plugin has a proper pooling system for managing projectile present in a level. Users can easily configure pool-related things.
  • Aggregating Tick - Furthermore system for aggregating ticks for projectile movement is also provided to improve performance.
  • Demo and Overview level - There is a separate folder for the showcase level to explain the functionalities of this plugin.
  • Documentation - The plugin provides both textual and graphic documentation on YouTube.

Video Tutorials

Documentation -

Grab it Here - Mortar Pro Plugin in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace

I want to thank Ben Tristem, and Tom Looman for their unreal Engine 5 courses which helped me a lot, Epic, and its awesome community without them it would have been impossible to make this plugin.

I hope you give this plugin a try : )
If you have any questions related to the plugin or facing some issues you contact me on Discord

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Video Trailer

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New Update coming soon with Laser Beam and Flamethrower :partying_face:

Version 2 update

The plugin has been updated to Version 2 and contains additional features like

  1. Beam Aiming Component - In addition to the Burst Aiming and Semi-Automatic Aiming Component, there is a Beam Aiming Component that will continuously fire a projectile like an electric/laser beam or a flamethrower.

  2. Beam Projectile - This class of projectile is for the Beam Aiming Component. There are two Blueprints for the same: BP_MortarProLaserBeam and BP_MortarProFlame.

  3. Target Component - To allow shooting at a custom target on a mesh, there is a MortarProTargetPointComponent. Using this component, Mortar Pawn will know the target point on a mesh so that it can shoot it.

  4. Split Projectile Optimization - With the Plugin Update, projectile splitting has been made efficient to avoid doing extra sphere traces.

  5. Optimization of Physical Based Projectile - With the Plugin Update, the movement of physically based projectiles has been improved by removing Extra Collision Volume (Repel Volume) and has been replaced by a much more efficient way to ignore collisions between projectiles.

  6. Significance Manager - With Version 2 Update the plugin comes with Significance Manager, which is used for Physical Based Projectile Movement. Using this component, the tick rate for Projectile Movement can be changed based on configurable distance. Users can even turn on/off Niagara Effects based on Significance Value.

  7. Niagara VFX Changes - Niagara VFX has been slightly optimized to improve the performance of certain projectiles.

Mortar Pro Plugin | Version Update (

Product on sale till 10th May : )