Modular Cliffs

Update 1.1 is finally live, with all the changes that I listed above. :slight_smile:
Please let me know what you think about it, either here or on email. Is it adding things that you find useful? What would you like to see in the next update? I already have a few things on the list, like adding another big cliff module, making another scene version that’s completely compatible with forward renderer,… but I’m still looking for more ideas. I will also most probably continue to play around with the materials, adding and improving them.
Thank you all!

I just saw it, it’s fantastic! you managed to polish all the small defects in the previous version!
I think adding another modules would make the asset more versatile and would make the process of creating cliffs /scenes easier and diverse. Even more variety in material / textures would be enriching, but the asset currently worth its price absolutely!

Thank you, I am really happy the improvements work for you :slight_smile: Yes, another cliff module is the first thing on my list and I will continue to play with the materials as well.
Thanks again! :wink:

Just purchased, loading into 4.15 (yes global planar reflections are on) - this is what I see…

Move PR Plane down!

Yes, the terrain sometimes loads weirdly when opened for the first time. It happens in all terrain related projects for me. Just close and reopen the editor and reload the level again and it should be fine. Let me know if this fixes it.

For the planar reflections plane, it disappears when in game mode (shortcut G) or when playing, it’s a debug representation of the plane. I usually hide it when working on a scene and unhide it when I’m done.

Yep, reloading it fixed it - thanks!

Great, thank you!

Is there any way I can try this in my project before I commit to buy? Im not sure if it would be a good fit for what I am doing and I dont want to waste money. Im new to asset purchasing as well. thank you

Hi there,
send me an email to ales.cgmontreal(at) and we’ll try to figure something out.

Just wanted to say thanks a lot RaaYaar! Great work and ready to use!! and the update to 1.1 was very timely! Thanks again mate!

Hey, thank you for your purchase! And thanks for your kind words, I really appreciate it! :wink:

Very nice asset. Is there a quick way to change the color of the rocks?

Thanks! If there’s no parameter already exposed to desaturate the base color you can add it to the master material. This way you will be able to get rid of the color information and keep only the value, so then you can multiply it by a custom color to apply a different color palette. It should be fairly easy to do - I can send you a detailed description on how to do it. Send me an email to ales.cgmontreal(at)

@RaaYaar: Hi, your pack is great but some textures are low res, could you include the higher res sources in the package if you have them? I guess you made them lowres for performance reason, but even if you are using detail textures, the results look too lowres to my taste. It is good to include higher res versions of the textures so people can choose what they like, they can still derive lowres from hires if they want more perfs, but not the opposite!

I didn’t check all the meshes but the one named cliff 1 is not properly closed (at the seams), so it creates issues in particular when using tesselation. We could fix the mesh ourselves, but then we would modify the UVs and this would mess up all the maps. Since you are not providing the hires meshes, we are stuck! It would be great if you could provide the hires meshes too so we can derive our maps. Thanks!

Hi eyoli,

Regarding closed meshes, I put this in the description under technical details:
“Note: Big cliff meshes all have closed back sides to prevent lighting issues. For optimization purposes and also to make them usable, back sides are lower poly versions of front sides and are using the same texture space.” This implies that texture wise they are not seamless and thus not really meant to be used as standalone 360 objects. Making them seamless would essentially require double the texture size. Someone else wrote to me that they were still able to use them as 360 objects by hiding some of the more obvious seams with smaller rocks. I think this might be the easiest solution for you as well.

All the cliff textures are 4k. I don’t think using 8k textures would be a good idea for a large majority of projects so I didn’t make them in 8k. But I would be happy to send you my source highres zbrush meshes, of course. Send me an email to We can also discuss further possible solutions there. Thanks!

Hello. When I purchased your assets, the material showed abnormal. Can you tell me the reason?

These are great, is there a way I can open the files as .obj or .fbx and not .uasset? I’d like to use them in other programs than unreal.

Can I use your asset on the unity engine?

How to enable shadows for grass?