MMO Starter Kit

I plan to add differences between classes in one of the future updates. However, the demo is based on WoW and in WoW the character mesh is the same for each career, only the armor meshes are different. Still, it’s very easy to do this the way you want (with different meshes): in JSONRequests blueprint, in OnGetCharacterResponse function before the server assigns the character’s stats, you can destroy the player’s character (Destroy Actor), spawn a new one based on the career (Spawn Actor From Class), and make the player’s controller Possess that newly spawned character.

, if I buy this kit on Sellfy, will I have future updates?

Yes, Sellfy purchasers can download the updated kit automatically after the update comes out.

Bought . Price alone is just worth taking a look under hood of network programming. Over the next few days I plan to play around with it and setup a backend with Laravel.

Hey ,

Love your work! We are using the Launcher System for our game, and it works great. We have found a weird issue that hopefully you might have some insight on. When we build out the launcher, and set up the files, it works great. Connects, downloads, and all that.

But, when we package up the launcher in an install file using Inno, the launcher will start, but will get stuck on deleting temp files and never download. Are there any ideas from you on what could be causing this?

EDIT: I figured it out. Nothing wrong with your side. When you install with it, you have to Run it as Administrator.

Trouble with MMO Demo

Hey ,

I like many here are very interested in your MMO kit for UE4 for use for our own games. I downloaded the demo and tried it out. However, even though I could register and log in after installing the launcher, when I start exploring the world I do not see the MMO functionality evident in the video you posted (i.e. over the shoulder view of characters, inventory and combat systems, chat, etc). It seems to be invoking UE4 in the flying mode (not even the walking mode) and has none of the above mentioned functionality. I tried pressing all the buttons on me keyboard, but nothing seems to work besides the basic flying controls. I posted a screenshot below to help explain this.

I am very interested in this kit and would like to purchase, if I can see the functionality you demonstrate in your video. Appreciate if any one can provide assistance with this.

Here is my feedback so far. I definitely recommend including a separate solution with bare bone code. While it nice to have demo of desert level , if I was using this kit as is rather than my own custom solution I designing with additional functionality in c++ it has a lot of unneeded clutter . Also for php instead of adding db connect code in every file it would be more efficient to make a config file and define a static connection function. If you want I can post example to use. Also I’m having a random crash when using jsonrequest blueprint that I have not had a chance to debug yet.

Hi djackson26, it seems that the server has ran out of space on disk C due to activity not related to unreal, and that has caused the server to crash. Thanks for letting me know, I’ve cleaned up the space and restarted the server, you should be able to log in fine now. :slight_smile:

Hi Agentleo, and thanks for purchasing. I’m currently thinking of removing the desert demo altogether from the distributed kit since it can be taken from the official vehicle game project anyways.

This has been advised previously by qdelpeche and it will be added in the next update, along with some security fixes.

Thank you , works great now.

Do you have a user’s manual or at least a list of key mappings. Cudo’s! You have done an excellent job. I am rather new to Unreal Engine 4 and am going through some tutorials on blueprints at the moment. How difficult would it be to change the character skins, add NPCs with different skin’s, add mission’s, add NPC dialog, change the sounds & music, change the character animation (i.e. the character’s falling animation needs a little tweeking, etc.) I understand you may not be able to answer all the questions at the moment, but just want to make sure I am going down the right road as far as game development before purchasing the kit.

Again, you have done an outstanding job and present more of a complete game kit than anything else I have seen on Unreal to date. I also like that most of what you have done on here is through the blueprint system. That should make things easier for a visual learner like myself.

Take care,

Just curious or anyone interested.

Since World origin Shifting does not work in Multiplayer without some C++ code has anyone considered making this and contributing it to the Unreal Github Repo or making this to sell it?

I know that there are a few people that are pretty talented with C++ on these forums that can make a bit of money just by doing this.

Just saying -


Here’s the online documentation for the kit, it has most of the stuff you’ve listed - customizing the character/NPC meshes, animation and sounds. By the way the jump/fall animation is done correctly atm, it’s just that the demo girl model doesn’t have those animations (the distributed version uses the blue guy model which does have them). Quests are something that I plan to add in the future updates.


To be honest I don’t see how world origin shifting could be useful in multiplayer. The current maximum world in UE4 (without shifting) is 20x20 km, for an MMO this would mean thousands of NPCs and players, the bottleneck would be the CPU, not the maximum size of the world, even if a headless client was somehow used for the NPC AI.


This looks fantastic, just had a few questions I wanted to take with you in a PM, sadly your inbox is full. Is there any other way I could reach you?

Oscar Hvarfvén

is there a First Person Point of View?
is there a way to create hotkeys for spells/abilities or any implementation of spells/abilities aside from the standard auto attack?

Was just about to buy but tried the demo and none of the GUI elements worked with the rift (rift mode worked though). I know it’s probably not a good idea anyway to have huds like that in VR, but wasn’t comfortable with purchasing when they didn’t show up at all.

I may think about buying this future to learn more about the multiplayer networking apsects alone. Just wanted to give you a heads up on that. I’m wanting to move into developing multiplayer VR experiences personally and something like this could come in handy down the line for me.


I had no idea it could get full, thanks for letting me know, I cleared some messages. You can also contact me via Skype ()

There’s no first-person view, you can try to implement it yourself if you know your way around Unreal. Same goes for hotkeys - they are not specific to MMOs - hotkeys are present in most single player games so this functionality can be added to your game by following some guides/tutorials on the net. I plan to add more features in the future, but for now the kit focuses on MMO-specific stuff, such as: persistent data storage, login/registration, patch system, multiplayer combat and chat, respawn and so on.

I’d love to test MMO Starter Kit with VR, however I’ve decided to wait for the consumer release of Rift :slight_smile: The current UI is just standard UMG by the way, but there are probably some VR specifics I’m not aware of.

Just bought it afterall, thank you. I’m currently on 4.7 github branch for the GearVR support. I’m sure this has already been asked but how do I update it in the future?

Edit: just tried to convert in place and UE4 crashes immediately :frowning:

4.7 github branch is very unstable and basically shouldn’t be used by anyone - see this question 4.7 source build failed to build - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Please use the release branch instead.

I am using it for the GearVR support, it’s the only way to get the GearVR working currently. I am working on a multiplayer GearVR experience. It’s okay though, I noticed you said in the readme that you would wait until 4.7 comes out to update. I’m just curious as to how I would download that update once it does come out. Do I log back into sellfy with my account?

Yes, when an update comes out all sellfy purchasers will be able to download the new package automatically.


i started to learn gamedev 2 weeks ago and i made this ( #MicrobotsGame in progress) :

Yihaaaa! #MicrobotsGame now has silly voices! #indiedev #gamedev - YouTube (short but with sound)
supermegagameplaymovie - YouTube (long but no sound)

What is the status of this project, the price, and the chance of a noob dev using it to make his own game an MMO?