MMO Starter Kit

@ & Zeiten: Doh my bad … sorry about the false alarm. 8-}

I usually only lurk, but…Hey, . I purchased your kit, and would like to say thanks for putting in all the time to construct it. I look forward to getting some time to build it and see what I can make out of its features! :slight_smile:

I would recommend if you are wondering where you should direct some attention (which I doubt!) I’d say take a look at dungeon level instancing, and a basic party system. Those are two things I have been scratching my head about as I try to plan features. The dungeon level instancing more than anything!

Once again, thanks for the efforts!

@: In place of cookies can I rather show you my Login Screen?

As for the naysayers … not everyone is using this kit for an MMO project. I am using the Updater, Patch System, and Launcher for all my other projects (none of which are an MMO). I am also using the networked Inventory for another project, and the Chat Server us being used for all the projects.

This kit goes beyond the basic MMO and provides a lot of features that are useable in other projects … even if you just want to see how tackled it.

Anyway … the login screen is a re-styled login screen of the MMOKit from . Took me about 2 hours last night to complete. 8-}

Awesome to see people putting this to use already on their projects! And I agree that everything done so far on this by Spartan is extremely helpful already regardless of what happens in the future, but I’m certainly excited for any and all updates, loved what I saw in that last sneak peek pic! :slight_smile:

I have a general question about blueprints though, what everyone typically says is that blueprints are 10x slower than c++ and for a final game its best to convert it to c++ after all prototyping is done. This is a problem for people more on the 3d art side like me who are not capable of that

Is it really necessary or can you actually make a game with just blueprints (aside from your updater etc.?)

I was thinking about using the shooter game example with this project but the shooter game is c++ so that means I should probably re-create it in blueprints, problem is though if the movement, combat, AI logic, along with your inventory, sql, and everything is all done in blueprints, and theres a few dozen players on a server,
Is it actually feasible & possible to have good performance with a final game done with blueprints and no c++ ? 10x slower seems like a big number to non-coders like me, or is c++ just so fast that even that much slower is not going to impact performance that much? I mean for the sake of having a playable alpha? And then if a game so happens to do well then one can pay coders to convert it all

Agree on that statement. This tool has many good uses. Gotta love that login screen :O)

Hadn’t had the time to check it out till earlier, is the demo server down?

Have you thought about cutting up the pack at all and selling a logon screen / launcher so people can pay for what they need (In case they do not want to work on an MMO)?

I understand why it is what it is at the moment, but it’s just an idea. I for one would love a launcher without all this other stuff.

Hi, I was doing some maintenance, it is back up now.

Yes I planned to release the launcher/patcher as a separate product originally (that’s why it has separate documentation), but got too busy with the upcoming security and equipment update. I will probably release it after the update. The mmo kit will still have the launcher/patcher in it.

Just proof that it is fairly easy to customise the code supplied by Code Spartan for you own use.

Modified Chat Server (I use a chat server per channel - Global, Trade) and one for the Lobby. There will also be a dynamic spawned Chat Server for each party … currently I am moving all the chat server code across to a multi-threaded Java system … but this is the C# for the initial POC release. I have also modified it to do full logging using Log4Net.


This is the modified launcher … the base font needs to still be changed and I have tweaked a few things since this screen shot … but it works. 8-}

I am not going to hijack this thread any further … just wanted to show you all how easy it is to modify this system for your own purposes … good luck with your projects.

First, Thanks for making this toolkit!

I’ve got a problem when I want to login and register;
I get the message that I’ve registered and logged in, but he next screen won’t load…

I use version 4.6 of unreal engine.

Careful with the launcher. I dont know if you fixed this issue but in your original test download, the launcher had unsecured FTP information in one of the files. Simply opening the file in text editor exposed everything needed to log into your FTP account.

This was a very early version of the launcher so it may be fixed by now. If not, why does the launcher need ftp info anyways? It should just be able to download the files off the server. I dont see a practical purpose in allowing the launcher to upload files.

@: I use a read FTP account and my username and password is encrypted. I agree that the launcher doesn’t need write access to the server.

Why use FTP anyway? Why not HTTP?

I don’t have FTP :stuck_out_tongue: (I use SSH to upload)

For those who may be having problems getting to character list / be able to create a new character and have it go back to character list. Make sure MySQL stuff is correct (should say Logged In!) But if still not transitioning correctly please read below.

In current version there are couples problems that can be fixed one of two ways:

Easy way:
Change your PHP settings to turn off display errors
Reason: For some reason if php encounters an error, it will break, and not send any json data

Fixing 3 small bugs

$chars = $conn->query($sql);

//if ($chars->num_rows == 0)  echo  json_encode(array('status'=>'NOCHARACTERS'));
//else {

//echo  json_encode(array('status'=>'HASCHARACTERS'));

while ($char = $chars->fetch_assoc()) 
	//add to array of characters:	
	$chararray] = array('id' => $char'id'], 'name'=>$char'name'], 'class'=>$char'class'], 'gender'=>$char'gender'], 'level'=>$char'level']);

echo json_encode(array('status'=>'OK', 'characters'=>$chararray));


			$chars = $conn->query($sql);

			// If no rows then they have no Characters
			if ($chars->num_rows == 0)  echo json_encode(array('status'=>'OK', 'characters'=> null));/// No rows so no Characters
			// They have some amount of characters so lets return each of them
			else {
				while ($char = $chars->fetch_assoc()) 
					//add to array of characters:	
					$chararray] = array('id' => $char'id'], 'name'=>$char'name'], 'class'=>$char'class'], 'gender'=>$char'gender'], 'level'=>$char'level']);

				echo json_encode(array('status'=>'OK', 'characters'=>$chararray));
  • In mmocreatecharacters.php
    Note: until gender is implemented in character creation we will hardcode it to 0
$gender = $mydata ->gender;


$gender = 0;

After that, hopefully it won’t depend on how your php is set up. :slight_smile:

Hi, I’ve purchase this on Sellfy, but I can’t find the Sword girl asset and the Character Mesh Switching Example for Blueprint.
This means :
The demo is no sword girl asset.
I don’t see the example BP for changing player’s mesh.
Best regards.

@KRushin: I have disabled the errors (display_errors), which I don’t realy like, but now I get the character listing.

When I want to enter the world (I’ve set the character id to 0)

I get an error with the following stacktrace:

Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)

Fatal error: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.6\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Editor.cpp] [Line: 6896]
World //Game//Maps//UEDPIE_2_Start.Start not cleaned up by garbage collection!
(Object is not currently rooted

KERNELBASE + 35740 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 3092349 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 1597391 bytes
UE4Editor_UnrealEd + 1817658 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 9510791 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 9613816 bytes
UE4Editor_UnrealEd + 1802106 bytes
UE4Editor_UnrealEd + 6686342 bytes
UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() + 3876 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.6\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2214]
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() + 479 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.6\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:131]
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() + 26 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.6\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:126]
UE4Editor!WinMain() + 249 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.6\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:202]
UE4Editor!__tmainCRTStartup() + 329 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618]

you don’t have to disable errors if you make the fixes i listed in the previous post (how i’m running it).

Are you trying to play in the main world/level you want to play (desert rally)?
Check the FAQ, if you have done any changed spartan addressed some problems with that error

Ok I’ll check that out :slight_smile:

Well I did a quick “fix”. First I want to see it working and then building it out.
Besides I want to swap out PHP and replace is with C# ASP.NET, like my other systems.

I have some PHP sites running though, but prefer .NET :slight_smile:

Hi Zydronium, and thanks for purchasing :slight_smile:

First of all, if you register and can create/choose a character successfully, the issue is almost certainly not php. Are you trying to enter the world from editor? That’s not possible, you can only check that transition from standalone/packaged (Listen Server part of the documentation). If you get this error when running standalone, check these two things:

  1. the client’s shortcut has -local parameter in it (otherwise it will try to connect to the server ip specified in mmologin.php)
  2. the project settings have valid map specified as server default map, and this map has a JSONRequests object in it

Thanks for finding those!

Guys, note that you only have to apply this fix if you have problems with getting php to work. Also, either turn off display errors in the php settings or fix the lines KRushin posted, you don’t have to do both.

Hm, doesn’t the documentation say you have to duplicate GuyPlayerCharacter blueprint? Please use the latest documentation linked in the first post, section “Customizing the player character”.

This account is supposed to be public, read-only, and this is mentioned in the documentation. Actually, I would recommend using anonymous account for that.

Hi, Sorry for my post is not clear enough.
What I mean is that there is no career/role selection demo in your project.
Which means select different career will spawn different mesh.
In your demo, you only assign default pawn class.
What I mean is spawning actor with different pawn class dynamically.

Best regards.