MMO Starter Kit

Hi Code Spartan.
I simply cannot thank you enough for what you have done with this kit. I would like to respectfully ask about seamless map changing. I read back thru this thread and saw that you were working on it for Project Genome. I would ask you to please reconsider adding this.

OH… OH OH !! Will the new kit with explode-able maps work with the MMOKit ?


Hi, i’m new on this topic, i want to know, but this MMO kit uses the varest plugin?

Yes it does.

ok perfect, i want to buy it, but there is a small detail that i do not like. The login/register system.
Yesterday i have seen a video on youtube. This is the video:
at the second 1 you can see the login system.
I want the mmo kit with this login system, and without the register system, because i prefer that the people register an account on my website.

It’s possible to have a version of the mmo kit with this login type?

Good Update only can you be little bit more precise what you fixed and where for this Fix

  • Fixed: Couldn’t invite players to party if they’re not in a clan.

I would like to Fix it myself too but hunting down where actual fixing happened is not easy Task.

Thank you

Good suggestion, I’ll try to write it down next time.
But otherwise it can be easily tracked down through version control. It was somewhere in ChatServer’s code, so if you make a diff with a previous version through SourceTree for example, it’ll only take a minute.

Is there a way to update an old kit? I am using 1.11, and wondering if its possible to jump to 1.13, I have already succesfully upgraded engines to 4.18 with successful builds


If you already did some work in the project, I usually recommend sticking with it and continue working in your project.

You can always download the latest mmokit on sellfy, but you can’t just merge the changes into your project that is based on a previous version of the kit. Just not doable.

I went from 4.16 to 4.17 to 4.18 succesfully so far. Make a backup of your project, and just open it in the newer engine. You will run into alot of errors at times, but fix them one at a time, you can do it and its worth it. Might be a total hassle, but since you are far back, I would try 4.11 to 4.12 to 4.13 to 4.14, etc. Could suck, but once again, worth it.

Is the kit still available? The Sellfy link has no product.

I ma sure it is just a glitch… code is SUPER on top of the kit stuff

How to solve this problem? (Visual Studio 2017、UnrealEngine 4.18.2)
run Select Unreal Engine Version:
Running E:/UE/UnrealEngine-release/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=“E:/UE/ProjectFiles/MMOStarterKit-1.7/CleanThirdPerson.uproject” -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for project…
While compiling E:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Intermediate\Build\BuildRules\CleanThirdPersonModuleRules.dll:
ERROR: e:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Source\CleanThirdPerson.Target.cs(19,12) : error CS0122: ??UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration???ɷ??ʣ???Ϊ???ܱ???
ERROR: e:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Source\CleanThirdPerson.Target.cs(17,23) : error CS0051: ?ɷ???Բ?һ??: ???͡?ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>???ȷ???CleanThirdPersonTarget.SetupBinaries(UnrealBuildTool.TargetInfo, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)???Ŀɷ???Ե?
ERROR: e:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Source\CleanThirdPersonEditor.Target.cs(19,12) : error CS0122: ??UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration???ɷ??ʣ???Ϊ???ܱ???
ERROR: e:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Source\CleanThirdPersonEditor.Target.cs(17,23) : error CS0051: ?ɷ???Բ?һ??: ???͡?ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>???ȷ???CleanThirdPersonEditorTarget.SetupBinaries(UnrealBuildTool.TargetInfo, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)???Ŀɷ???Ե?
ERROR: e:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Source\CleanThirdPersonServer.Target.cs(18,18) : error CS0122: ??UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration???ɷ??ʣ???Ϊ???ܱ???
ERROR: e:\UE\ProjectFiles\MMOStarterKit-1.7\Source\CleanThirdPersonServer.Target.cs(16,26) : error CS0051: ?ɷ???Բ?һ??: ???͡?ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>???ȷ???CleanThirdPersonServerTarget.SetupBinaries(UnrealBuildTool.TargetInfo, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<UnrealBuildTool.UEBuildBinaryConfiguration>, ref System.Collections.Generic.List<string>)???Ŀɷ???Ե?
ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Unable to compile source files.

Hey code

Any time frame on when the kit will be available on sellfy again? We have people in the discord wanting to know how they can purchase it.


Thanks for reporting this. I didn’t take it down, it’s just Sellfy acting up. Should become available again in a few minutes.

Hello Code Spartan,
I would like to ask a question. I bought several month ago your MMO kit in order to start a development of a little multiplayer game with your technology.
The problem is that I’m developing a VR first person game and the rules are completely different from the one present in your kit, for this reason i decided to create a new project in UE in from the Scratch (I feel much more confortable on developing things by myself in order to keep better the control) in order to solve and test all the problematic regarding the using of the virtual reality like, inventory system, combat, management of the room scale action etc. The problem that i had to solve were really challenging comparing with a normal video game, just to impose the correct movement with the full body simulation was a nightmare. I’ve also introduced some multiplayer function, using the steam multiplayer library.
What i would like to do, is to insert to my game your mmo multiplayer logic to my game, because i want to introduce the login system, so the possibility to save the status and he inventory on a remote server, and i want in general to set up a dedicated server like all the generic mmo.
You think is possible to migrate to my project the multiplayer functionality adapting them on my game? I want to specify that I’m fully developing the game with blueprints and the game is to a good point of development. Thank you in advance for your answer.

I need help!!!
Unable to open the project

If by “migrate” you mean doing an RMB->asset actions->migrate, then no, it’s not as modular and wouldn’t work out of the box.

But if you start by looking at the login menu UMG and the logic behind the login system, and then the character save/retrieval system in MMOPlayerState, then you can definitely recreate the whole thing in your project, and you can use the same php scripts (just slightly modify them for your needs). All in all, it should take a week or two depending on your ue4 experience.

Build it from visual studio, as described in the documentation.

Hi all

Got a troubleshooting question as I’m out of ideas of where to look. Looting is not working. All I’ve done literally is just clean up the UI elements visually, a few resizes of UI pages and thats pretty much it. I’ve even checked the master versions MMO and Character blueprints against mine, I also checked the looting Blueprints and nothing looks different. But I haven’t touched any blueprints yet.

Any thoughts on where I should look to troubleshoot this bug? Does altering UI elements have an effect on what or how a panel is called by the blueprints?

FullUI Widget > Container
Adjust it’s positioning, I’d suggest linking it to your mouse coordinates.

What often happens is that the Container widget gets displayed off screen often after making edits.