MMO Starter Kit

Two things I’d love to see with the kit, “Area” chat and Instance / Zoning Maps without having to run 50 different Servers.

The Map in this Kit is from the Epic Games Launcher and can be found under the ‘Learn’ tab >> Vehicle Game. You can use anything in these learn projects but they are licensed for use only with Unreal Engine-based products. as stated on the download portion there.

Thanks ! As you mentioned, i found it from the Epic site. Appreciate you help~

Hey, any ideea when the demo client is fixed ? I press login to character after making it but nothing happens, I cannot join the game itself, been trying since yesterday

Server was down. Should be up now.

I purchased this product and when I go to the web site to download it shows no purchased products… I sent an email to the developer a few weeks back with a copy of the PayPal receipt and I’ve not heard back. How long does it take to verify purchase and to update the web site? I am not planning on making an MMO, I just wanted to review concepts that was presented in the kit… Which is why I waited for two weeks before posting here.


I did send an email directly to … Didn’t think about Sellfy though… Thx.


how is the support on this package i am thinking about getting it but a bit worried about this

Can i use it for MMORTS?

Hi there. Thanks for an awesome work you have done. Have an MMORTS game in mind. Is it possible to retrofit to work as RTS ? Any tips and tricks would be much appreciated :slight_smile: Thank you in advance.

Hi !
When I try to launch the uploader I’m always getting this error :

The login / password and the ftp path are correct. The ftp user has the correct permissions on the folder.
Can anyone help me please ?

Edit : I found someone in this thread who has the same issue but nobody answered

This was a good question, I’ll bring it up here,
I’ve done everything I could, and all I can do is fly along the ground, and some versions there is no movement…

I wrote. Configure the Windows English language, so that worked for me.

Hey, guys. I want to buy your mmo rpg kit, but I have some troubles with paypal payments in my country. I will have money at 12th, so do you have any other way to make a purchase? Let’s say, I send you money on your card and you share your project with me through google drive/one cloud. Tell me, if you are interested. Thanks.

The KIT is free to download today ONLY! Grab it!

How?! Where is the download link?

Ha ha april 1st is the day

This is a example on how to execute the Flying Movement Mode on the server. When you create the custom event, make sure you set it to Run on Server >> Set is Flying bool >> Branch set movement mode’s (one flying one walking)
When you call it, (by pressing jump or whatever) pull the Character Movement from Player Character and make sure to tick the isFlying bool.

Thanks for the Flight info :slight_smile:
Now to track down why my Dedicated server keeps throwing this error:

Windows:Error: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\UE415_SRC\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates/SharedPointer.h] [Line: 826]

Most likely not kit related soo google is going to be my bestfriend.

Can port to bile device? Android ios?

Does this kit has some sort of range magic spell casting system? Or just a melee combat only?

it has a basic casting system