MMO Starter Kit

This is amazing ! Can’t wait to see whats next!

Keep the great work !

I too am curious about this.

Any plans on adding item linking to chat? :stuck_out_tongue: like most MMOs that you can (by shift+click item) link the attributes of the item to the chat :stuck_out_tongue:

Just asking is there a way to import in game Build System i have it from Market and how ?

Sorry still learning things. I have a noob question. I purchased this this almost a year again and been playing with it + unreal on and off. I have been working on a combat system in c++ with replication. My question is what will be the best way to “blend” my c++ controller/combat system with this plugin?

I read the documentation over and over and the only thing i found was in FAQ

As it says we would need to edit MMOPlayerController and MMOCharacter but how would i get them to work with my C++ code? Haven’t played with blueprints enough.

Any tips, tricks or answers are welcomed. I also ran through this forum with no luck.

ARPG WIP using mmo kit:

Combat system overhaul:

Very nice. Is this using all blueprint for the attacks? Thinking i may have to swallow a learning experience and do it with bp instead of trying to get my C++ to work. What i am attempting to do is, replace “My Character” BP with my custom character controls re-parent the the MMOCharacter BP to inherent from my custom c++ then inject my combat system, which is akin to games like Skyrim. Any idea on how i would go about that without completely breaking the kit?

Sent you a PM

A question: the graphic assets such as map, props, etc, those can be used as free for my project? It can be possibly used in the commercial product. So legal wise, I am wondering about it.

Does anyone know where I can find the legal statement on this matter?


I would like to buy your awesome work but selfy needs a payment from paypal. I live in Turkey and my s**ty goverment banned paypal in our country (PayPal to halt operations in Turkey after losing license, impacts 'hundreds of thousands' | TechCrunch).

Can you able to contact with me? i can pay with wire transfer or credit card or other any possible solutions.


Hi, I have problem with gravity I guess. For example I run dedicated server with 3 players, 1 player is registered and has ID 0 other players “Charactername”, so player with ID 0 falls through the landscape when the other players are ok. Help please! :slight_smile:

The Map in this Kit is from the Epic Games Launcher and can be found under the ‘Learn’ tab >> Vehicle Game. You can use anything in these learn projects but they are licensed for use only with Unreal Engine-based products. as stated on the download portion there.

I understand why we didn’t see any additional content with 4.1.4 release. But, have we heard anything about what is going to be released for 4.15? Or has the feature set of the kit hit all it is going to get ?


Wow awesome!!@

I wouldn’t call it feature complete yet, but it’s almost feature complete as far as its purpose being an architectural starting point for an MMO.
I could add stuff like the minimap, map, and other similar systems, but not all MMOs need them, and not all of them need a WoW-like implementation of said mechanics. I don’t want to bloat the project with these things, to the contrary - I want it to be as lightweight and multi-purpose as possible. And it’s in a good place right now in regards to these goals.

Anyway, just a heads up that I’m working on a 4.15 version. The demo server is already running on 4.15. Should be able to roll out the new version for you guys soon.

Any chance we will see changing maps with out a zoning screen? Really the only feature I would like that might be great for us all.

BTW: So glad to see you post. I love the kit and all that you have done with it.


Nice work Raizone! Im trying to make 3rd person aim MMO as you have done but in fantasy setting. Did you write the combat system youself or did use use any assets?
Also was it much work to get the RPG Inventory system to work with MMOkit?

4.15 is up on Sellfy.

There are many difficulties involved for this particular system. It’s not something I’d write off as a possibility, but it’s not something I’d have any ETA for either.

OK bud… and thanks for the update… If you have time, please take a look at my skype message