MMO Starter Kit

Today i revised the Ability interface a bit and make an window in it, which shows the informations of the spell on mouse over. (blue mana costs, yellow cooldown)

edit: Thx Tarly for the hint with the insert image Button :slight_smile:


I am so jealous.
That look Fantastic!

Keep up the great work.

Oh, when I post pics here in here forums, I used the icon in the bar at the top of the post I am writing, fourth icon from the rightā€¦ called ā€œinsert pictureā€ā€¦ so it makes it in the post rather than attaching em. Might make it easier for us to admire your work.



I like your terrain Gerrod, your interface and the over all feel with what you have going there. Really great work you have going, the kit offers so much coolness. Keep throwing us some cool pictures every now and then, very motivational.

My new system parts are in Oklahoma, looks like Monday will be download and update new system day, then back to developing.


Those whom are getting a swarm failed to kick off and a Lightmass error. here is a process that will help fix it.Answer hub link

Man I hope they get this fixed, I have had this error, thanks for heads up Sean.

Thanks for the tip Sean, Iā€™ve been getting this error. Using new kit with 4.11, then tried 4.11.1, and after both of the solutions posted itā€™s still occurring. I even build fresh kit with 4.11.1 with no project modifications and still no luck. Perhaps Iā€™m doing one or both of the methods wrong, will try again later.

Christmas came early, so much workā€¦ but fun work.


Be back up and running soon, get to test out my new system.:smiley:


NICEā€¦ I built a gigagbyte MB alsoā€¦ the X99 gaming 5p. ON a budget thoughā€¦ 16 gigs of ram and a intel 5820k But, on the other hand, if money lossens up this fallā€¦ 5960 will be possible. And that means I just take out the old chip and plop in the new one. :slight_smile:

You have any trouble with the new MB seeing old drives?

Threw a 250GB sata solid state drive in for just holding OS,made it C:/, then a 6 TB Performance Drive for all my stuff, picked up the SSD drive no problem, booted right from Win 10 cd, then added the big drive after install of OS. All in all it went smooth, just had trouble finding Network adapter, had to pull driver from motherboard CD.

Hard part now cleaning and moving all my stuff to other system, amazing how much **** you collect on your computer. :stuck_out_tongue:


Agrredā€¦ althoughā€¦ X99 wonā€™t see all my old drivesā€¦ soā€¦ I can pretend they are not full of stuff.

Do you have any M.2 ports on your MB ?

Yup, I see it has one, what it do? :slight_smile:

Link: MB

The M2 drive def. I found said this:

ā€œUsed in place of a traditional SSD for the ultimate high performance applications, these brand new 5th generation SSD (Solid State Drives) use the new M.2 - PCIe interface for speeds 5 times faster than even the best SATA3 SSD drivesā€

I am betting your eyes JUST popped out, and you are now googling M2ā€™s for your new monster :slight_smile:


Figures always something I missed, will definitely have to check that out.

Iā€™m just posting the link as it was posted in the 4.11 release thread. I have the latest 4.12 version and it does it a different way. it does the light maps swarm and then after it does it, it asks if you want replace the previous light map build. So Iā€™m thinking they have tried to merge something in between in 4.11 and it doesnā€™t remove the old light map build and replace it.

Well I finally figured out what was wrong on my end with the building lighting issue. After some more google research I read how to check the log in the swarm agent for more specific info on the lighting build fail. I checked the log in the swarm agent, and it said it was unable to locate the UnrealLightmass.exe in my 4.11.1 source. I opened up 4.11.1 in VS 2015, found UnrealLightmass.exe, right-clicked/built it, and it solved the problem. Huzzah!

Thanks Piepants, your info fixed this for me in 4.11.1, hopefully gets fixed next update.

If anyone else is getting the 2 errors form light build I managed to get one fixed.

Change at least one of the pointlights to a static mesh to fix the spotlight issue.

As for the overlapping UVā€™s I still havenā€™t found a fix for this. i changed the UV channel and even the resolution but doesnā€™t fix overlap.




I have to tell you bud. You have inspired me to look at draggable windows. I have cut and pasted CSā€™s how to do it info into a word doc so I can open it offline and I am going to try and make my own. Your second screenies is simply stunning in my mind. So, I am going to try and get my theme to work in draggables. :slight_smile:

If I canā€™t get it to work, I might have to beg some assistance, but, for the next couple weeks, I am going to work on it solo and see how it goes.

Thank you so much for sharing some of your work here in the forum.

ā€œawed by your stuffā€


Gerrod, I agree with everyone here, very impressive work! It looks like youā€™re using the LAM landscape automaterial? If so, do you have any tips on increasing fps when applying it to large terrains? I tried it out but could only get good performance on fairly small landscapes.

Thank you all :slight_smile: There is still so much to do but positiv feedback is a great motivation.

Tarly, when you need help you can always ask :slight_smile:

Piepants, Yes itā€™s LAM but i cant help by this question because it will be a pvp game with only small maps and a limited number of players on each, so the performance is ok for this without big improvements. But i must learn furthermore a lot and when i find some good technics to improve the performance i post it here when you will.

Hi all,

Iā€™m working on extending the quest system a bit, and Iā€™ve run into something I havenā€™t experienced before. Iā€™m looking at the TrackedQuest blueprint, under MMO-> Quests.

Out of the box, it works wonderfully. But if you take a look at what Iā€™ve screen shotted, youā€™ll notice that the GetKillTasks and GetBringTasks are throwing warnings. If I detach these nodes from BreakAcceptedQuest, I can in no way, shape or form reattach them. Similarly, I cannot link my GetAdHockTasks to BreakAcceptedQuest, which is what I ultimately need to do.

The error is that BreakAcceptedQuest is an Object Reference (ultimately a Quest, but not yet), while the Gets are looking for Quest References. I assume this has to do with them being database objects? How did these nodes get linked in the first place? Is there a way to override or force a link? I both love and hate blueprints. Any pointers would be much appreciated!