MMO Starter Kit

Build for 4.11

1.5 Release notes

The new version is up on the demo server and available for purchase at Sellfy! It took a bit longer than I expected, thanks for your patience :slight_smile: Build notes:

Ported to Unreal Engine 4.11

You will need the new release of UE4 from GitHub to work with the updated kit.

New Launcher/Autoupdater

The launcher and update system has been rewritten from scratch to ensure the easiest workflow for the developer. Now it just takes a couple of clicks to release a new build. There are no more ā€œpatchesā€ that you had to keep track of and you donā€™t need to keep old builds of the game on your disk anymore. It also uses http to download now.

The documentation for the new launcher can be found here.

Deleting Characters

This feature has been missing from main menu for a long time now, so now itā€™s in. :slight_smile:

Aggressive Behaviour Tree Example

There are new Bandit Leader npcs in the demo that will attack the player on sight that use the new BT.

Awesome with a capital A ! That looks so great, and love what you did with the new updates!!!

Get to downloading now!!!:slight_smile:

Sounds like wherever the Player Characters HP is set inside the blueprints you have somehow reset the variable to zero, thus showing him dead but not dead by game state. Try and find where the Player Characters hit points is created and stored, then maybe compare that to a empty build of the MMO kit, with the old character, see if you find something there, then let us know.

great work on the new release!

Thanks very much for the updates ! Canā€™t wait to try them out!

In the documentation it says the Launcher is a cross platform.
I aim to be able to distribute it to MacOSX platform.
Does anyone else try to do this?
The Launcher.exe is a windows executable file.
I dont understand how is it cross platform?

Looks like from his documentation page on the new launcher this is mentionedā€¦

NOTE: While the launcher is cross-platform, the up-loader currently needs a Windows machine.

will probably have to answer this question more in depth.

Thank you for replying :slight_smile:
I sent a message on Skype but is probably busyā€¦
I can do the uploading, server and all the ā€œbackendā€ and maintenance tasks on windows.
As long as the ā€œplayersā€ can use a launcher and acess the server from OSX :slight_smile:
My intended audience is fine art folks and designers and they are unfortunately predominantly MacOSX users.
For this reason it would be great to be able to publish for OSX clients and

Holy Bat wings Batman ~!~

All the extra backend work is goneā€¦ WOOOHOOOOO!!!

I have to say, I was a little annoyed when I read we were only getting a patcher after one of the longest waits for a new version since I had the kit. Since I am a hobbyist, And I need a launcher, not going to use steam. And I had a working launcher, I thought that the ā€œneeds of the manyā€ outweighed us launcher guys. With all the time that has gone by, I thought we would have crazy new shinies to work with. But, OH MY MYā€¦ Oh hell ya.!!! I am stoked to have the new launcher.

Thank you for the extra time to polish this .

Added: OH OH!! I REALLY like the number of files to download remainingā€¦ my chuckle headed friend will stop calling me and telling me it is stuck patching. love the present barā€¦ and over all file sizeā€¦ and the X to close itā€¦ awesome sauce.

I hear you Tarly, itā€™s packed with much awesomeness ! :smiley:

I had a few requests for the beginning part of the documentation, i.e., setting up the server etc. So I managed to mangle together 3 videos on the Getting started part of docs, they includeā€¦

I. Getting Started MMO Starter Kit

II. Setting up the Database

III. Launching for the First Time

All the videos are tied to the MMO Starter Kit playlist, so just play all and pick ones you want to watch.

Link to Videos: Nemodains Follow along of the MMO kit](MMO Starter Kit Tutorials - YouTube)

, Thanks for the videoā€™s they are Awesome. I would give you a rep +1 but there isnā€™t a rep button.

Also, I downloaded the Promoted Branch (which is what the Epic team uses) at the moment its 4.12 and its similar to 4.11 and it build the project with no problems.

That is good to hear SeanDennis, glad they are helping some folks, I like to hear people making progress in their development, helps keep me motivated. :slight_smile:

I am prone to making boo booā€™s, so if you see something wrong in a video let me know, I am still learning UE4. I was a lot further along in Unity Engine, but liked what I saw that Unreal Engine offered so moved over here.

Thatā€™s cool to hear is works with the next version, the Kit is a solid base and I think did a great job giving us something to build on.

Back to the grind!

Thanks for the new enemy i was waiting for this

I checked a bunch in those areas, but couldnā€™t find anything different from the empty build. What I ended up doing is just wiping the whole thing and starting from scratch. It worked fine at that point - Iā€™m guessing I missed something in the rename process or something. Thanks for the suggestion!

I do have another question thoughā€¦ Anyone here working with a team and using source control? Weā€™re using Perforce atm, but because we all end up using the same characters from the database (Id: 0) we run into problems when it saves our locations. I was thinking of just keeping the MMOPlayerState blueprint as a local file, and just changing the default character id on a per user basis, but Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s any other best practices that people have come up with?

Hi Terpsychore,

this should work, yes. In the game Iā€™m working on we just use the same character for testing for now :slight_smile:

Hotfix for 4.11 is up if anyone is having trouble building lights, I had trouble this morning.
Fixed! UE-28961 UnrealLightMass fails to compile with VS2015 Update 2*

Hello Fellow Kit peeps!

First off, Iā€™d like to thank for all the work on the patcher.

Secondly, Iā€™d like to Thank for his work on the videos. I now have a game(being built) that is all Claws&Paws. Not sure why watching video was any different than following the guide. It worked though.

Third, I would like to BEG for a video of how to move assets like main menu and Art folders from one versionā€¦ (like 4.10) to another versionā€¦ (Like 4.11)

And lastly, I would love to see screenies, or movies of people doing GREAT THINGS with the kit.

Your probably like me Tarly, sometimes I can read something 10 times and go like, what? but if I can see it done visually there is like a little light in my head goes Ding! Plus making the videos makes me understand what I am doing, so I get a benefit out of that, just remember I make boo booā€™s, so point out anything I need to fix.

Threw together a quick video for you Tarly, here is the link: Update Engine Version and Migrate Projects

If I get my terrain done today will try and get a video up of it.

Just wondering, on this update, does the AI [bandits] stop following you and return to their spawn point, after you run away from them?..


if I buy it. I use all updates? Then we will not have to buy again?