MMO Starter Kit

  1. You can create new items and abilities easily from within the editor. To add new item stats you have to add fields via C++, it’s also easy since you only modify the .h file. “Creating your own item type” part of the guide has more details.
  2. I haven’t tried it.
  3. I do plan to add them, but not in the next update.

I’m releasing the updates simultaneously with the official UE4 releases (like Tarly said, the major ones like 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, not 4.9.2). I want the next update to have a new autopatcher that is easier to use for the developer, similar to the system Steam is using. Full build notes will be available at the time of the release.

Hi, the latest MMO Kit build is for Unreal 4.10, you can’t open it with earlier versions. Each UE4 version brings quite a lot of changes to the blueprint nodes.

implement travel between zones,How to connect the blueprint?use “openlevel” ,Fall in the air

My thought on the kit, kit use and updates.

When I first found this kit. I simply could not afford it. As I got my budget under control, I put together the money and bought the kit. Even before my purchase I was asking (CS) questions in Skype.

Fast forward to getting the kit. It seemed like I was talking to CS every few hours.

He taught me how to get the github version of the engine.
He taught me how to setup the PHP files on Godaddy. He doesn’t know that. But, he did.

He taught me how to set up the kit with the .sln and what the difference was between build and rebuild in the compiler. And made sure I was using Developer Server instead of other things listed there.

He taught me how to change the pic in the launcher. It was my first “Mod” of anything I have ever done in my life. I have played computer games since 1999, but, I have never modded or changed anything… ever. When the patcher came up that first time, I am sure my neighbors thought I had killed my wife, or she was killing me all the hollerin that was going on.

He has helped me with paking the project up and how to get the launcher to patch it.

I even had convos with CS about the VA thingy that give us access to the database. I am wondering if I can now use DNS name now since the VA plugin has changed.

He taught me how to hide pieces to the left of the viewer using the eyeball so my viewer is not as crowded. Makes it easier for me to see what I am doing.

Even vertical box dotted lines have been talked about as I was having a moment over those.

We even had convos over running a web server out of my house and a game server on the same machine. Scrapped that idea.

He taught me how to recover my work using E:\MMOStarterKit-1.4\Saved\Backup when I blew the **** thing up so badly I could not launch the .uproject. (REALLY need dummy proof version control. Any idea’s anyone?)

Now, you may think that CS is family because we talk so much. Not so. CS just is willing to help.

CS has done a number of things to help me out, told me where to look at something, given me the answer and gently pointed out the docs have the same info, pointed out in the docs where info was located when I have been to much of a hurry and read over it, or simply missed it. Explained what the docs meant, changed the docs in places to “Dummy proof “ them as I was not able to understand or find the area the docs CS refer’d to.

CS has logged into my machine once to POINT to something. That one was a little embarrassing.

I try anymore to ask for links to things I can read and learn from. My favorite one he gave me recently was this one.

After head scratching and cussing late at night I got what I wanted done and completed.  Thank you CS.

I had issues with getting the 1.4.x server up and running. I could get to picking my toon out to the three I have on my test account, but, I would click enter world and BLAMMO. Nothing . Server didn’t respond.
After checking firewall, I hoped over to skype and asked the Familiar “Hey Bubba, you there?”
CS came back, asked like 2 questions and pointed out that I should have been upgrading my PHP files with each new release of the kit. WHO knew. They have worked since version 1. I had no idea they changed.

PHP files were updated and blammo, server worked. Side note, server has message on screen that told me it was missing a php file, and my IP. I should have seen the IP was wrong. Again, going to fast, and not paying attention.

After being able to log in, I typed my normal “hello” in world chat. Nada happened. Off to the docs I went, as I was waiting for those to load, I opened my firewall and made certain the chat server was forwarded to the right machine on my network. Looked at docs… in the FAQ I find CS made a typo, the FAQ showed 3457 as the port, since I was just in the firewall and saw the port was 3456 I thought I was golden. Then, the PHP convo came back and hit me. UPDATE. I threw open the chat and saw the files dates were newer. Moved the new Chat folder to the server, and tried it. Nope. Then the light bulb went off and I changed the port in the firewall to 3457 and I restarted chat and server… logged in and everything was right in the world.

My next mod is the abilities bar. Of course, I am struggling with it. Here is how CS handled it:
[1/6/2016 3:49:04 AM] : Hi, the launcher/patcher is completely separate from the rest of the kit, and it haven’t changed for a couple of versions. You don’t have to upgrade to a new one
[1/6/2016 2:29:33 PM] Clifford Brock: Cool… I am using the one from rev 1…
[1/6/2016 2:30:11 PM] Clifford Brock: I could redo it… I have not as the directions for how to update the launcher thru the launcher were … well… it worried me
[1/6/2016 2:31:18 PM] Clifford Brock: Is there any info on the ability bar… ( where you drop abilities to use them.) I tinkered with it … but… could not puzzle it out
[1/6/2016 2:35:38 PM] : to have 12 abilities side by side you have to edit Hotbar array in MMOPlayerCharacter. It has 4 slots by default, make it 12. Also set the size of the HBox in Designer view of GameHUD

CS has told me, even if he is not at KB, ask my question and he will get to it as quickly as he can. And, CS always has.

I log into my dream, and I see it begin to take shape. Little by little.

Some people say “Oh the price of the kit” I say, the support of the kit, and all the other things CS has helped me with are far and above what the kit has. I am a fan.

People ask “Can we get this in the kit?” “What’s next in the kit?”

I too would like to ask something here.

With changing maps when we go from map one to map two will it be zoning, or will the toon just see on to the other map as they approach and then transparently move to the next map seamlessly?

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

If you have the kit, and you are having troubles. Keep pushing, your dream unfolds as you make progress
If you don’t have the kit yet, Your dream can be real.

Thank you CS for everything you have done for me. Your patience. Your help, even in areas that are not kit related. I would never have gotten as far with this if it had not been for your patience,help,links and tutoring.

Here soonish, I plan on diggin holes and planting trees on my first map.


Clifford M. Brock

Please let me raise the demand.
You want features that add to the next version up.

  1. To be able to be deleted in the character selection screen.
  2. Additional sample of map movement.
  3. Additional experience value system (one person / party).
  4. Increase of Hotbar.
  5. To not be started simultaneously in the same account.
  6. Additional ON / OFF function of PK function.
  7. Additional guild system.
  8. Additional warehouse system.
  9. Additional mini-map.
    Only this system is missing in this project as long as you come up with for the time being.
    In addition, UE4 is other day was a little version up.
    It error has occurred later.

Hey bud. Rather than posting the same thing, over and over… Log in Skype and add . You will get a response sooner then later. has said, if you need help with the kit, Skype is the fastest way to get help.


If you’re running two server instances and want to change servers with OpenLevel node, the default behaviour is that the coordinates of the 1st zone where the character logged off will be used to spawn the character in the 2d zone.

To use specific coordinates (for example, spawn next to the dungeon door) you can do this: add a “map” column to the ‘characters’ table in the db and save the map as a string or int (as explained in “adding your own persistent stats” part of the guide). Then, in OnResponseGetCharacter spawn the character according to its “map” value. For example: if the character travels from a different map, spawn in the correct entrance location. If the character’s saved map == this map, then just use the coordinates from the db (this is the current default behaviour).

thanks for all the kind words Tarly! I’m glad that my work helps you with your project. :slight_smile:

You can already do blocking/loading screen transitions rather easily by launching servers on different ports and using OpenLevel, I’ve mentioned this in FAQ. I’m currently testing seamless transitions as I work on Project Genom, but I can’t say when they’ll be ready to be released.

I’d like ot respond to this with more of “I’d like to see kinda thing. Not demand”

Number 1: I agree. Simply as I have been tryin to figure out how to do this. :slight_smile:
Number 2: I kinda agree. but. would like to see it on the CS game server before implementing it. (In case it is not what I think I am reading.
Number 3: I’d like to see both a single as well as a party exp in the game… basic though. Just so I can see how it is done. I have an idea how exp will work. But, I would like something so I could see how it is done and mod it.
Number 4: This one is cake. I have just done it… still working on anchors. took like 10 mouse clicks.

Skipped 5:
Number 6: Prob. will need this later. so, kinda interested in it.
Number’s 7 & 8 combined: Oh yes… and something like the guild housing demo has to boot. That was awesome.
Number 9: There are a couple mini maps out there. Was not able to find links quickly.

To me. Bones of the “Wow-like game” I think CS calls it on the first page of this thread are what I look forward to. The new patcher has me on the edge of my seat. Old one had me in knots. I understand that the kit also has to share dev time as you have project Genom going on.

Looking forward to seeing what we get.

Now I have edited my own main menu ang login screen to this mmo starter kit. I have also 2 own levels. How i can get from main menu to my own level. I mean when i am registered and made my own character i press Enter World button, but nothing happens. I want that it open other level which i have made??? I have made blueprint to start level blueprint section, but not working

Hi, are you testing that in editor? You can’t go from main menu to the game level in editor. For the server to use your new map instead of the old “desert” one, you have to set the default server map in Settings > Project Settings > Maps & Modes

I don’t have a screenshot example for that, I can only give this general advice:

“To use specific coordinates (for example, spawn next to the dungeon door) you can do this: add a “map” column to the ‘characters’ table in the db and save the map as a string or int (as explained in “adding your own persistent stats” part of the guide). Then, in OnResponseGetCharacter spawn the character according to its “map” value. For example: if the character travels from a different map, spawn in the correct entrance location. If the character’s saved map == this map, then just use the coordinates from the db (this is the current default behaviour).”

Who can,specific Say the blueprint node connect,and db “map” Set? implement travel between zones,help!Worry!!!

YSK, please stop repeating the same post and spamming the forums. If you continue to do so, we will add an infraction to your account.

yskwork, I’ve given you general advice on how to do it but to make a step-by-step tutorial would take me some time, and I can’t do it right away. I do plan to either add it to the demo or to make a tutorial in the future.

I have an strange issue where a custom AI enemy can’t be clicked after respawn. I basically copied the bandit but switched out the skeleton mesh for a Troll skeletal mesh and animations. The funny thing is, if I place a static mesh weapon in his hand then you can click on the hammer after it respawns but not the actual skeletal mesh. Any thoughts? The troll skeletal mesh is selectable on first spawn.



You need to create a physics asset for your mesh (can be automatic, Right click on the mesh -> Create -> Physics asset), it should fix this. I’ve investigated this and it turned out the game currently uses the capsule before the death, and physics asset after. I’ll make it swap back to the capsule after respawn in the next build, but you still need a physics asset for the time when the character is dead.

  1. You mean, don’t allow the user to login if they don’t have an active (paid) account? You would have to modify a php file for that, but it shouldn’t be difficult. Modify the mmologin.php script and add a column to the ‘users’ table in MySQL db. For example, you can call this column “active_subscription” and make mmologin.php not only check the username and password, but also check this “active_subscription” column. If it is false, echo some message to be displayed, something like: ‘status’=>‘You don’t have an active subscription. Reactivate your subscription by going to www yoursite’

  2. Not sure I understand the question.

Thanks for the help. I am learning as I go and spent a good day or two trying to figure it out. I will add it to my pipeline documentation and can start to work on the other enemies!

Learn the unreal engine and blueprints, how to do ?

Purchased this, amazing work, keep up the great work! I look forward to future updates! May I request guilds for a future update, or possible basic gather/craft ?

Captain O:

I believe I sense a little sarcasm in that. Loving sarcastic humor… I give you a LOL.

On the other hand. Do you have any suggestions or links on how to learn Unreal… a book in either electronic format. softcopy or even hardback would be awesome.

This is how I learned and I haven’t been doing too bad.

The twin stick shooter was pretty good tutorial as it covers blueprints in a decent amount of detail.

Thank you .

Anyone else ?