Hi, What dose this error mean.
Error Accessed None ‘K2Node_DynamicCast_AsLoading_HUD’ from node Set showLoadingScreen in graph ‘EventGraph’ in blueprint LobbyController
Hi, What dose this error mean.
Error Accessed None ‘K2Node_DynamicCast_AsLoading_HUD’ from node Set showLoadingScreen in graph ‘EventGraph’ in blueprint LobbyController
4.10 support coming soon?
Edit: Nvm, He answered me on skype. Should be within the next day or so.
1.4 Release notes
The new version is live on the demo server and available for purchase at Sellfy! Build notes:
Ported to Unreal Engine 4.10
You will need the new release of UE4 from GitHub to work with the updated kit.
Party mechanics
Players can now invite one another to form a group. Group members’ names and health are displayed under your character’s health bar. Group leader can invite more players or kick players from the group. Disconnected players are automatically removed from the group.
Group commands: /invite <name>, /leave, / kick <name>
Private and group chat
/w <name> <message> can be used to send a private message
/p <message> sends a message to all group members
Testing in PIE with 2 different characters simultaneously
You can now test the game in PIE by playing as characters with id 0 and 1 from your database. To do this, just set the number of players to 2 and make sure that “dedicated server” is checked.
Bug fixes
Looks great, thanks for the update!
Awe, i guess the regions/zones or whatever you were working on didn’t make it in. Still though, the party and whisper functions are great and i did not expect that. Thank you for the update!
What is the maximum number of players that have been connected at one time?
Does this come with all of the networking/server source code?
In the tests there were about 140 players on one server process, but it also depends on your game and the amount of NPCs. You can have several server processes on one physical server, as long as the hardware allows it.
All of the source code is included.
Looks like your “Loading_HUD” cast failed and returned none. So when you try to set “showLoadingScreen” somewhere in the EventGraph in the “LobbyController”, you get this error.
Hi yskwork,
Does this happen in PIE? You cannot go from the “main menu” level to the “game” level in PIE, you have to test those two maps separately or package the game and test it there. This is because the game level needs a server and when you start playing in the “main menu” level you’re only launching a client.
You can’t do that in editor (in your log it states that this is a PIE session), only in the packaged game. In editor (PIE), you must test the levels separately - either you play in the main menu level, or you play in the game level
Is the link to your database set up correctly in your MMOinstance Blueprint?
yskwork, there’s an error in how you’ve connected the pins. For “Open Level” node, you don’t need to connect “Options” at all. Instead, connect “Level Name” to your “Select String” output. Sorry I didn’t notice it yesterday. Basically, when connecting to a server, you don’t need to specify the map - the client will always use the map that the server is running automatically.
Hi . I bought ur kit and wonder wether i can bug u for any questions that might occur.
Hi Wordain, yes. You can add me on Skype () since I answer faster there.
Quick question:
Is it possible to use the Steam servers to authenticate, distribute, and store character information and inventory? From reading the API documentation, it does seem entirely possible, but not sure what changes I would need to make in order to use steam as my “database backend”, as such.
ultima online anyone?
whoa that housing system is super cool. did you do that with blueprints?
indeed all blueprints and i am a newb when it comes to programming.
Wow. God those sound effects bring back memories. That was my favorite game ever. Nothing has even come remotely close. Love the work Mozzy, and it really encourages me when you say you are newb to programming. Just how new are you? And to Unreal Engine?
Nice idea for a housing system.