MMO Starter Kit

Just wanted to let people know that this compiled perfectly for a Linux dedicated server following the normal cross compile instructions for Windows/Linux using 4.10 preview2.

One thing to be aware of is you need to permit port 80 http traffic or at least for me the server would crash with httpmanager errors on clients joining.

Thanks alot, that is exactly what i was trying to do :slight_smile:

I a very interested in using this project of yours and want to ask before buy can i use my own UMGS and add it to the game can i edit inventory can i add stuff like new animations can i work with BP only i am not expert on scripts and is there a way to edit our own pic and stuff in launcher ? And can i use Advanced Sessions Plugin with this kit ?

Its worth every cent, everything is easy customization, UMGS, Animations i have been using it for a week i have no skills in coding just bps and i can see light at the end of the tunnel for my project. the way it is set up once you grasp the basic structure it makes so much sense. just dive in buy it.

hello. I have asked next question allready at , but now i want users experiences about mmo starter kit. I am rookie for unreal and my group target is to make mmo game. We have already make 3 planets/terrain, 5 characters and 5 spaceships. Kit is very good basic i think, but is it easy and how easy to add my own terrain/planets and characters to mmo starter kit? and is there in documents advises about that? I need databases,servers,animations,controllers etc, but levels i allready have
and other important question is that i now a little about blueprint coding, but the database stuff is new for me. So if i buy this packet do i first need to get some database and webserver which include php 5.5 that i could modify my project and is there free webservers/databases? this is maybe the most hardest think to me. And other important thing i have visual studio 2015 and i have read somewhere that unreal doesn’t support that version so have i to download visual studio 2013???

Well i buy it yesterday still i did not use it no time but today i will working around and see what is this kit all about …
Edit: Did some one made character customize or something ?
Update: Wen i setup everything as it says in documentary when i hit Enter World it brings back to Mine Menu ?

  1. NPC when die they not disappear and respawn ?

i tried to purchase it today and pay with credit card but only tet which comes to screen was fatal failure. I have earlier bought stuff in unreal marketplace with no problems and i have enough money

U have on Sellfy website that kit but somehow i dont get any answers from maker to help out ??? just hope he is getting off from this project

i tried again but nothing happens, maybe i have to soon make paypal account or forget hole thing, this is good package, but if buying is so hard. Now i make paypal account so i hope that i can buy this packet next week

and now i have xampp database and server, but this is not maybe right place but in future i have to get mmo starter kit to work and when i try to go user accounts i get next error:
Static analysis:

5 errors were found during analysis.

Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 52)
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 110)
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 177)
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 245)
Unexpected closing bracket. (near ")" at position 311)

SQL-kysely: OhjeetMuokkaa Muokkaa

(SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.user ) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.db ) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.tables_priv ) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.columns_priv ) UNION (SELECT DISTINCT User, Host FROM mysql.procs_priv ) ORDER BY User ASC, Host ASC

MySQL ilmoittaa: Ohjeet
#126 - Incorrect key file for table ‘.\mysql\db.MYI’; try to repair it

and i have to get that correct before i buy any package, because if databases doesn’t work i don’t need starter kit

well i will play more with this if creator of project not respond there is no time to wait time with trying this project anymore


is ALWAYS helping us with the kit. I suggest you add him in skype and PM him there. And keep in mind, he is only one person. And does have to sleep, eat, and possibly work a real job.

Well he can set NOTICE add hem there and get help well tnx for saying that i will do :slight_smile:

It’s been a very busy week for me since we’ve started to let backers into the closed beta of Project Genom. :slight_smile:

A random screenhot:

Stream (in russian):

Phew. I remind you guys that the quickest way to reach me is via Skype (), I’m not online on the forums every day, I usually check it each 2-3 days.


To reproduce the entire demo setup, add new UMG widgets and animations you can indeed only use blueprints. To customize the launcher you would have to open it in Visual Studio since it is a separate C# application, but customizing the visuals of it is easy.

Does this happen in editor? You can’t go from the main menu level to the game level from the editor. If this happens in a packaged project, the most common cause is that the server and client version differs - make sure that you’ve updated both the server and the client after you’ve packaged a new build. If it’s the first time you’ve packaged the game, make sure you have the console dedicated server running.

Since they respawn fine in the public demo, please check that OnDeathDisappearTime and RespawnTime variables are set correctly on the NPCs in your project.

Are you hosting xampp yourself? Is this from phpmyadmin? Looks like maybe phpmyadmin didn’t install correctly, if you are new to php and mysql I don’t recommend hosting it on your own - I use a regular webhosting for that and never had any serious problems.

i downloaded that xampp for my computer so i am hosting it my own. Maybe thats not good idea and youtube has tutorial, but user accounts doesn’t work. now i have open webhosting from and i hope that it will be work

Funny you should ask this. I started a group not too long ago. I made it for this kit in particular. Redirecting...

Well that is a nice gameover there :smiley:

u did not answer can i use Advanced Sessions Plugin with this kit i am scared o ry in to add mayeb can broken something
and i cant understand the part of documentary where need to make client and Serever exe i dont know can u make a video tutorial ?

What in particular do you need this plugin for? It seems to have a lot of sessions functionality that is better suited for player-hosted sessions, not an MMO

Have you followed “Dedicated server and packaging” part of the guide? You can skip step 1, lately I don’t use it much. Start with step 2

I never ask but think about it can we make Mobile version with this ?