That’s a simple php customization you could do yourself in about 5 minutes this was build as a functional foundation with the flexibility to allow you to add on to it its not a full game with every security procedure already accounted for… in fact that issue you are addressing isn’t even the biggest flaw in security.
*Quest items should only drop when you accept the quests.
*I can register an account using the same username and password, that’s pretty insecure.
*I fell through a platform to rocks and the character was stuck there for a few minutes, I couldn’t move. (I’ll post a video)
*Mobs can be attacked from a very long distance.
*Mobs walk under the water and there’s no swimming animation (Pretty funny to look at)
*There’s no chat bubbles, the text only comes in the chat window.
*No cooldown for spells.
*There’s no mana, rage or other casting cap bars.
*There’s no female/male options.
again all of that is not the point of this project and if it where it would be useless to half of the community hell my game doesn’t even have magic at all so all of that would just be torn out lol… makes much more sense to keep it generic.
Ah I understand what you mean now. There’s no consensus on password (and username) limitations, and they vary greatly between games/sites. For example, the #1 website for CC0 and CC-BY sounds ( allows the user to have the password the same as their username. Some people think that enforcing passwords to have special symbols and to be 8 characters minimum adds more security, while others think that it’s up to the user to choose their password responsibly.
Me personally, I have secure passwords on websites where I care about my account, and use something like 1111 (it’s allowed on most websites!) for websites where I download cc0 graphics or order pizza. I do that so that I don’t lose my ‘secure’ password if the pizza website gets compromised.
As helliongames has pointed out, the password limitations can indeed be customized in about 5 minutes. You don’t have to do that in php however, it’s enough to add it in UE4, in MainMenu UMG widget. There are several checks implemented already there, for example the email needs to have a @ symbol.
Thanks Code… I to have had issues with the cursor stuck in the game engine… I told a couple peeps to hit the windows key… and that gets them out of the game… but… kinda a pain.
Hey Code, I was just curious, do you have a WIP / What you’d like to see done when 4.10 is released? I’m hopeful that 4.10 will include non-experimental DX12 and VS2015 support, along with a number of VR fixes. So that is when I’ll be re-downloading and start inserting assets and such.
Инициированный вами платеж заблокирован, так как платежи с помощью PayPal между резидентами России можно осуществлять только в российских рублях. Вернитесь на веб-сайт продавца и выберите опцию оплаты в российских рублях или воспользуйтесь другим способом оплаты.
Cryptaline, Russian users can’t buy the kit on Sellfy because of some weird policy. If you get this error, you can contact me on Skype () to pay directly with Paypal.
Hey Code, I want to get a feel of your MMO Kit and download the launcher, however I get in trouble when download the game assets. The launcher works smoothly at first, when it downloaded some assets around 30~40MB, it delete the game asset zip file, and the launcher UI says:
Could you add me on Skype () please so we could find the cause of it quicker? Also, try deleting the launcher and downloading it again, and also check that you have enough disk space.
Hi I’m thinking of buying this for a few projects of mine but the main one I am interested in using this in is for a FPS game not a MMO now what I want to know is if I wanted to make this for a FPS game without the login/registration but also use the dedicated server along with say the steam multiplayer how would I go about this? A few friends are interested in hosting some dedicated servers for me with steam integration.
Also do you have a wiki or documentation site for this? Just would like to gleam over some of the questions I have without having to waste your time if possible
The online documentation for MMO Kit can be found here
If you don’t want the kit’s registration/login, the auto-updater and the gameplay examples, you probably don’t need to purchase it - the default UE4 networking could be enough for your project.
Personally, I’m a fan of Steam and I’m against ‘reinventing the wheel’, but not all Steam features can be used right away - for example you can use Steam’s downloader and achievements only once your game passes Greenlight (or if you have another game on Steam already).
I have GoDaddy hosting all my MySQL,PHP and web server stuff… and I have my game server running in my house… They have 24 hours voice support. And between them and I am up and running.