MMO Starter Kit

I’ve started to make a list of webhosting providers that have php 5.5+ since I get asked a lot about it, it’s available in the user guide, “Setting up the database” section.

Thanks for the info. :slight_smile: I think those promos are for US only though, it says 1.50 eur/month for me, and 8-12 eur for the domain (I’m from Belgium).

Do you hit “Play” from the Start map or DesertRallyRace? Note that you can’t go from the main menu map to the game map in editor, but you can play in editor from either one of them. If the problem persists, contact me on Skype please () so that we could use TeamViewer if needed and solve this quicker.

Excellent customer support!!

Working with through Skype he quickly and professionally helped me correct my problems, this alone is worth the price of the kit. I have purchased many kits before with no follow up support, trying to learn their code and design was painful without the support, but with this kit you get great support from .

I highly recommend this kit!!

10 out of 10 Stars!


I agree 1,000% He even took the time to help me to get to the point to start setting the kit up. My issues started with stuff before the using the KIT. I cannot thank enough for his time and patience and his making of the kit.

Really interested in this - any chance you could update the Demo Client link? It’s not working for me.

Hi ogroves, you can get the demo here. The link in the first post is also updated now.

Hello mate tried to pm you but it said you’re inbox was full lol

just like to firstly say congratulations this kit is awsome. I have only just started dabbling into usin unreal and at the moment find it very challenging.

What I’m hoping to do is purchase you’re starter kit and hen adapt it to my game needs which is why I’m messaging you.

Basically I want a lot Of the features you currently have but I don’t want to make a mmo like wow I’m more interested in making a moba game like LOL or smite which would require on lot of the features of you’re kit but I need to use them in a different way

So my questions are basically how easy would it be to make the changes needed as you have advertised this Is all done in blueprint??

Basically what I want is to have the login screen like in you’re demo but instead of going to a character creation option like youres does it would go to the main lobby .

Here all users can talk to each other using you’re chat system and do friend invite and stuff.

Then the users press a play button . Once 10 players have pressed play it would take only 10 players into the game lobby for a 5vs5 team game. This process would repeat multiple times eg say there was 20 ppl on the server they all press play would result in 2 games bein played . Each game consisting of 5vs5 players.

Once game has finished they return back to the main lobby/ chat lobby

And instead of saving the players inventory all I would need to store is there profile details like username , profile exp points things like that.

If this is possible to adapt to using youre kit
Would you provide support into how to do this??

Or is it simply once I buy the kit I’m on my own??

Another possibility is could you adapt the kit yourself to do what I want an then I purchase the new version from you.

Also I see from the documentation that you require msql hosting and a virtual server . Would you be able to say hire the virtual server then on the server install something like xammp to do all the database stuff so you’re mysql is actually on youre virtual server rather than having 2 seperate things ??

Xammp uses php 5.6 though so would this work ??

Anyway hope to hear back from you soon.

Tried pm, added you on Skype and posted here but so da no responce.

just a couple of questions.

  1. how is the security within the programming?
  2. I have heard that you have had up to 100 players online and it did not stress the system. Were there 100 players fighting or casting, or just standing around.

Do you have any other way to purchase this product?
I can’t purchase it, because I’m from a country where $ is not a main valute.

You can use paypal. I live in the eurozone, so same problem :stuck_out_tongue:

I have a few questions before I buy this.

  1. Can I host it locally using my localhost for when I am testing it?
  2. Can I change values or formulas for an example change the formula to calculate health to something I want instead of what is already there?
  3. Is there a class system or will there be in the near future. If there is can the class be changed in the game. For an example, the player is a warrior and wants to change to a rogue can the player change while in game or while the player need to create a new character? If not would I be able to add it?
  4. Can I change the targeting system to a soft target where you aim where you want your spells and abilities? ( is there spells yet?)
  5. Is there crafting or gathering available?
  6. Is there a plan on other things that will be adding in the near future?

I was testing the game before buying it, but I don’t see an option to choose male or female characters. Are you planning to add that on your next update?

Thank you!

Hi, everything is in blueprint, except the parts that are impossible or very inefficient to do in blueprint. Data Asset types can only be created in C++, and launcher/patcher and socket chat server are separate C# applications.

It is possible to do if you modify the C# socket chat server to launch the server processes. An excerpt from the documenation:

*Q: What about instanced zones (instanced dungeons, battlegrounds)?
A: For instanced zones, you would use the same principle but launch the server instances dynamically (you could extend C# chat socket server source code to do that). The game server could send a command to the socket server and the latter would launch the server process with required map parameter and the next available port parameter and send back the port number. The port number is then sent to the players via blueprint so they can connect to the new instance.
I can give more specific advice in Skype. I don’t take custom work currently because I’m working on Project Genom fulltime.

A lot of my customers and myself already have a webhosting to host their websites, so it doesn’t add additional costs (which are low for webhosting, about $2 a month, but still), and doing it this way doesn’t require the skills to install and configure php and mysql. The thing is, for a real game you wouldn’t want them to be on the same server - you would probably need 2+ physical game servers to handle all the zones and instances and a single, probably linux one to handle php/mysql stuff.

What’s your nickname on Skype? I’m usually in Skype everyday, you could try adding me again.

  1. The passwords are hashed with the use of the newest php 5.5 function, so I’d consider that part secure. You can read more about it here. If someone finds a security issue that could be exploited, I’ll gladly fix it.
  2. The 140 simulated players that were used in the test were running around, stopping for brief periods.

1.3 Release notes

1.3 Release notes

The new version is live on the demo server! :slight_smile: I plan to upload it on Sellfy tomorrow, meanwhile you can test it live and check out the release notes:

Ported to Unreal Engine 4.9

You will need the new release of UE4 from GitHub to work with the updated kit.

Hotbar and example abilities

Abilities and items can be placed on the hotbar to be used with 1-4 keyboard keys or by clicking on them. Each character starts with 2 demo abilities - a self heal and a damaging fire spell. You can drag the abilities from the Abilities Window, which can be opened with “P” key.

Floating damage text

Localization ready

All String variables that you would want to localize are replaced with Text. This way you can easily localize an MMO Kit project by following this guide.

Bug fixes

  • Exit Menu now displays correctly when pressing Esc or M key
  • it was possible to pause the game by pressing Pause key :). This is now disabled
  • attempting to loot/receive an item when the inventory is full will now correctly fail
  • sending empty chat messages is now not allowed
  • chat now correctly wraps long messages
  • enemies don’t stay red if you tried to attack them from distance and cleared target
  • other players are not displayed as gray after their respawn anymore

Other features

  • Return key now triggers entering chat message
  • GetPosition node was removed form MMOLibrary since there’s a new built-in node that does the same

Wow, awesome ! Thanks for another great update !

My Skype name is enigmalabs. Ok I’ll try adding you again. And thanks for everything .

The new release that supports UE 4.9 is up on Sellfy! :slight_smile: Here are the release notes, in case you’ve missed them.

I cant praise this enough I am like KITATUS not exactly using it for an MMO just authentication and network replication for a ScFi survival game but its a fantastic learning tool. I’m not even remotely a pro at Unreal engine this is literally my third month with it and already I have made a playable alpha with most of my end goal systems in place thanks to this project. FYI I was a Torque engine guy before so this blueprint stuff is all new to me.

Here are some things I have noticed.

*Quest items should only drop when you accept the quests.
*I can register an account using the same username and password, that’s pretty insecure.
*I fell through a platform to rocks and the character was stuck there for a few minutes, I couldn’t move. (I’ll post a video)
*Mobs can be attacked from a very long distance.
*Mobs walk under the water and there’s no swimming animation (Pretty funny to look at) :stuck_out_tongue:
*There’s no chat bubbles, the text only comes in the chat window.
*No cooldown for spells.
*There’s no mana, rage or other casting cap bars.
*There’s no female/male options.

One thing that is very annoying, when the client is open the mouse cursor is stuck within the client window… is that supposed to be like that? Never seen such thing on other games.

I know you’re still working on updates, just wanted to see how soon these options will be available.

Hi Locolijo, and welcome to the forums. :slight_smile: The first thing to know about MMO Kit is that its aim is not to be a complete game, but to provide a good starting point. For example, not all MMOs use mana, not all of them have male/female options for all races, some don’t use spells and their cooldowns and range at all. All those things are very easy to add, so I’m leaving it to the users to design their gameplay, while I’m focusing on the parts that almost all MMOs have and that are usually difficult for the beginners (login/registration, persistent storage of data, modular equipment, drag and drop between multiple windows).

I’ve just tried it with account name “lalala3” and password 111111, I can’t do it. Could you try again please and maybe provide me with replication steps?

I think most people play MMOs in fullscreen mode, though I could be mistaken. I’ve taken a look at how WoW does its windowed mode, and it indeed doesn’t lock the cursor. I’ll add it to the planned features list. :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’m glad this is useful to you. :slight_smile:

Locolijo, believe it or not, there are some things that you have to implement yourself…