MMO Starter Kit

Hey - Quick question. Whats the easiest way to determine if there is an inventory or character or any other window open that requires a mouse pointer. Trying to turn it on and off but not sure if I have to build logic around all scenarios or if there is a simpler way to determine if windows are open.


Depending on the situation, you can use the IsVisible node on the panel - just make sure you drag it from the right panel - you can check which panels are triggered for inventory etc in MMOPlayerController blueprint.

I believe the site was down, it works again now.

Hey we are moving this because it appears it was never released or submitted to the marketplace and you have it marked the thread as released.

Content creation though? That doesn’t seem fitting either.

I just had to buy it ^^
Anyhow some bugreports i’m not sure if anyone else has mentioned these.
At times mobs respawn as greymarked, cannot be attacked and can still be looted.
Also some times after rightclicking a mob and then marking it again with a left click it will still be red as if marked to be attacked.

Now I just have to get into this all.

Hey there , great work by the way! Ive been getting into shaping the kit to fit my projects needs and so far haven’t done much at all except delete much of the demo content and set up my server. Everything seems to work fine except the inventory and the quests aren’t saving on exit. I’m not sure why because the player position, stats and even equipment are saving so I know it connects and works with my SQL.
Ive even just tested the “out of the box” zip version with the same results. all I changed was the server URL to point to my DB. No errors or anything just no entries made in the DB under Inventory or Quests.

Any help would be awesome. Thanks.

Should probably be under the community tools section imo.

If you’re not hosting the php on localhost, you can send me your Hostname in a private message so that I can test it for you. Also, you can contact me on Skype () for quicker support.

Hey , I have bought your mmo kit, and it’s great. But I’ve run into some problems, and I would really like your help.

First off, when I edit the DraggableWindow blueprint (Add text, new background etc.) the FullUI BP breaks along with several other files (MMOController, MyCharacter etc.), all the “draggablewindow” nodes gets cut off, and I have to manually place them the right places again afterwards, which is rather time consuming.

Second off, the inventory doll in the equipment window is just a gray box, and if I open the guymodular bp, all the meshes in there are very different sizes (in the viewport).


Hi, thanks for reporting this. To fix: open DesertRallyRace level, go to Window - Levels, right-click on DollMap and select Change Streaming Method - Always Loaded.

I’ve managed to reproduce it. It only happens when you modify DraggableWindow bp’s event graph and is the UE4 editor error. The workaround is to modify and compile that blueprint, reload the editor and it will work from now on without the need to reload again.

Thanks for the info :slight_smile: I got it somewhat working. Only problem now is that I have to restart the editor everytime I edit the draggablewindow bp, to keep the nodes from breaking…

Some other questions: I have followed your documentation about replacing the player character, and have done so with working animations etc. But the problem is that now I cant attack the NPCs. Do you have any idea why? My attack animation should be setup correctly.

On another note, how difficult would it be to add the ability to rotate the player character in the umg? So you could drag the model around to better see your gear etc?

Thanks a lot :wink:


I’m thinking that maybe the reason why I can’t get the player to attack, might be because I have created a new model which is not modular? Also, how would I go about equipping through the inventory window, when my model is not modular?

Hey , will we see any new content in the kit with the release of 4.9?

Yes, I plan to add abilities and a hotbar, several bugfixes, and maybe something else, we’ll see.

Contact me via Skype please () so we can resolve this quicker. Double-check your attack range variable and you can also try to debug it using Print String nodes in the blueprints. Attack is triggered in MMOPlayerController blueprint.

I’d just use the modular character blueprint and remove/change the unnecessary parts. For example, you can modify the EquipArmor event so that it switches the whole non-modular mesh when the chest armor is equipped and doesn’t do anything when gloves/boots are equipped. And just delete the extra skeletal mesh components.

(post deleted by author)

I just wanted to say thanks for this amazing product. I bought this about two weeks ago and being an experienced programmer but new to unreal it was a massive help in getting started. There is still a large learning curve but I can’t recommend this product enough to anyone attempting to put together a prototype mmo on unreal. Great product, and decent documentation.

would absolutely get my vote for a requested feature. :slight_smile:

I have loading screen and nothing happens. Is it normal? Maybe server is offline but I logged in.

Still black screen… Is it possible to check Starter Kit before I buy it?


Need your help really stuck with an issue. Have revamped the game to handle non target combat which works fine as long as only one player is logged in on the dedicated and built server. Shooting gets messed up, seems like the ignore self on trace stops working. Tried to debug it but not luck. Wanted to validate some basic things with you. When I log into the server it seems like the UserID is not read correct (its in the DB). Is this a real issue on not impacting to the behavior of the server?

[2015.08.20-03.30.58:777][223]LogNet: Login request: /Game/Maps/Start userId: Invalid
[2015.08.20-03.30.58:810][224]LogNet: Client netspeed is 10000
[2015.08.20-03.30.59:704][251]LogNet: Join request: /Game/Maps/Start?SplitscreenCount=1
[2015.08.20-03.30.59:706][251]LogGameMode: levelStatus: /Game/Maps/DollMap 0 0 0 None 0
[2015.08.20-03.30.59:706][251]LogNet: Join succeeded: 256
[2015.08.20-03.31.01:033][291]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Checking entering client, char id:
[2015.08.20-03.31.01:102][294]LogVaRest: Response (200): {“status”:“OK”}
[2015.08.20-03.31.01:102][294]LogBlueprintUserMessages: OK
[2015.08.20-03.31.01:102][294]LogBlueprintUserMessages: create get character
[2015.08.20-03.31.01:169][296]LogVaRest: Response (200): {“status”:“OK”,“name”:“Test1”,“inventory”:],“quests”:],“health”:300,“mana”:200,“level”:0,“experience”
[2015.08.20-03.31.01:170][296]LogBlueprintUserMessages: sending chat login

Yes Tefel. Try downloading the demo server from this link. DEMO SERVER download here If you do that, and it does not work, then try contacting in Skype thru chat.


Where do you set the resolution options and default settings?