MMO Starter Kit


The demo uses WoW-style controls by default - so when the player clicks, the cursor becomes invisible and the camera rotates. You can customize this behaviour in MyCharacter blueprint (MMO/Blueprints) - look for the big block named “Mouse input: …”

If anyone is bothered by the drifting vertices in the modular parts character - here are FBX fixes you can Reimport in UE4 over the ones in the MMO/NewCharacter/Modular asset folder. Also, there’s a hole in the back of the pelvis which has been fixed.

(of course you’ll replace that with your own meshes, but until then, it just looks nicer)

And if you are using the provided punching animation for combat, here is a (admittedly basic) CombatIdleNoWeapon you can import using the HeroTPP_Skeleton and replace in your GuyAnim animblueprint if you are using the punching animation for combat. The reason for this is that in the default provided CombatIdle he’s posed holding a gun, which is a weird mix with punching combat.

Thank you Tomo…

Thanks tomofnz! I failed to split the blue guy into parts correctly, I wish my maya skills were better :). I’ll be sure to add your version of the .fbx files to the next release.

I tried logging into the demo server and every character I made ended up under the world (Official demo server that is). No character controller or no character or something. Couldnt move or interact, couldnt pan etc.

Hi, it could be that you logged in during server maintenance. I’ve tried to enter the world right now and didn’t have problems (there was also another person playing on the server just now), so you could try again.

Ok soo I’m working on a Dynamic IP address system with PHP Looking using Json just need to figure out how to implement it into Code’s code :wink:

The php is rather simple:

inside mmoconnection.php I added this line:

I use “Noip” and I had no issue with MMOconnection.php. I am using “localhost” as the web server and game server are on the same machine. But, in the Json, I could not use “” When I tried to use this, I could never get the web page to say “Registration successful.” When I used http:// enter-ip-addy-here:81/ (please note, the redirect to port 81 as my ISP blocks port 80.) Everything works like a champ.

Dark, does my issue sound like the issue you were having using a dynamic ip ? Do you use webhop in DYN to use another port ?

You are correct I managed to catch the server at the wrong time. Obviously some sort of ability to lock the servers during downtime etc will be a nice feature to add.

Quick question if anyone has figured this out:

How do you / would you, handle PVP? Basically, I’m thinking of a traditional setting, more or less… anyone in the following “groups” are friendly and cannot attack each other, however, anyone not in the grouping, is fair game:

Mega-alliance (2 or more alliances that have a “non-aggression pact”)

PvP can be handled very differently and I believe has caused a lot of “holy wars” on various game forums :slight_smile: You could also think of some “totally safe zones” (at least for the new players), and a way to prevent camping at the respawn sites (high level npc guards? safe zones?) PvP partial or even full loot is also something to consider.


I mean, how would I set up PVP settings in the kit :slight_smile:

I haven’t tried to implement this yet, but here’s what you could do: each time a group is created, the server adds it to an array called “Groups” and removes it when the group is disbanded. In MMOPlayerCharacter create an int variable called “Group” and send the group’s index in the array to the client when the player joins/leaves group. Do the same for raids. Do the same for the guilds/alliances/mega-alliances with the exception of their ids being stored in mysql db.

Currently in MMOPlayerController it checks the target class - if it’s an AICharacter, it’s attackable. Change that to MMOCharacter so that the players are attackable too and also check that the Group, Guild, Alliance etc variables are not the same for the attacker and attack target.

download the demo and made a character but it does not load the level

Hi xion,

The server was down, it’s back online now.

Thanks for making this available . Seriously. If anything, it’s worth $95 alone just to study and learn from…even if you don’t intend to make an MMO.

Hm. It’s a good example. But it’s target system. How can I Modify it for no target combat system?


If you know how to make a no target combat system in a single player UE4 project, it shouldn’t be hard to add that in place of the default system. You could use Line Trace For Objects for weapons that use crosshair (the line would start at the gun and go forward in the camera direction, its length would be the gun’s range) and Sphere Overlap Actors for weapons that don’t. There are tutorials available on the web/YouTube on how to make a simple FPS setup in UE4.

Eh… Ok. I Will take a look…thanks…
I think it will be nice to place two version of you system: classik target, and non target. $) Don’t you?

Any preview for what you have in store for UE Update 4.8 :o