MMO Starter Kit

Wow!! It is stuff like this that inspires me. This community is certainly a talented bunch.

I don’t recommend using the kit to create a single player game. The MMO networking aspects are intertwined with almost every area of gameplay. For example, this is how attack is handled: the client sends an RPC to the server saying that it wants to attack, the server checks the attack range and angle and assigns the damage, then multicasts the attack to the client and to everyone around the character.

Things from the current kit that could be useful for a single player game are inventory/equipment, camera controls, targeting and simple auto-attack combat, but stripping the kit of networking wouldn’t be an easy task.

This is a question better directed at Epic - currently the dedicated server can only be built when using the source-built version of UE4.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Phew, just finished exposing owner-only replication to Blueprints and it wasn’t particularly easy :slight_smile: You can view it and comment here:

Hope it gets added to the engine, I plan to use it a lot in the next releases of MMO Starter Kit for replicating stuff like experience, inventory, quest progress and other variables that need to be replicated only to the character’s owner.

Till then I may just add that pull request to my local :slight_smile: Thanks Code, I did add my two cents to it :slight_smile:

Just wanted to chime in on this kit since I never left a review. The kit is awesome, worth every penny and then some. Well documented and the developer will help you if you have issues. I was not able to find any bugs from what is advertised as a feature. I really don’t understand why this isn’t on the official Marketplace. Everything works great and is extremely well put together. Anyway keep up the great work, looking forward to more great updates, thanks .

Just a question out of shear curiosity.

Does the patcher support triple version numbers out of the box? Such as 1.0.1 or 1.2.4 or the like? And if it doesn’t, would it be difficult to edit it so that it does?

The AnswerHub post seems to indicate this was addressed with 4.7.3. Confirmed?

Which AnswerHub post? So far the guys at Epic haven’t replied to the pull request so I assume I just have to wait until someone reviews it. :slight_smile:

It doesn’t support triple versions currently. If you wish, you could add the support for it yourself since the C# source for the patcher is open and rather light, but it’s not a priority for me at the moment.

Ben Halliday’s answer:

This is about the zeroing variables bug in UE, and yeah, the devs said it will be fixed in 4.7.3. :slight_smile: However, you quoted my post about the pull request I’ve made ( ), and it’s not related to that bug. It’s a new feature that I propose for the engine, to expose owner-only variable replication to blueprints, in addition to regular replication and repnotify.

CP, I recently found this thread and I can’t tell you how excited I am to have found it. I am not out to build the next WOW, I would just like to build a game that my family and kids and their friends can play. I started to build the login screens like I have for so many different engines in the past trying to get something going.
I posted a small job here on the UR forums and RoyAwesome helped me with it. Then after finding this thread… I think I have the basics that Awesome said he would help with to build a dream I have had for over a decade. I cannot thank you enough for your hard work on this kit. I hope to become an owner after the first of the April.

I am so excited to have a chance to have my family explore Firewind Dale. And to build puzzles in the game to make the kids scratch their heads and try and figure them out.

If I may, I would like to ask if you would consider a “road map” of sorts so we can see what you are thinking of working on next… I would not ask for time lines… I have found after 14 years of trying to build something… time lines SUCK! and I would not ask anyone to commit to those… but… a road map of what comes next… .and possibly a chart or poll of features that owners of the kit and people thinking about the kit could vote on or propose to idea ideas to the kit.
Not sure that I have written this well enough to be understood…
So, I’ll go back to gushing about how excited I am to get the kit next month.

Thank you again for all your work on this kit.


PS: and thank you RoyAwesome for your help in what you have done so far and what I hope we work on in the future.

I actually wanted to check on something…

Since the engine needs to be compiled from source, and I have NFC what I’m doing on that end, I figured I would start designing the environment and such before doing the full editor compile (I’m holding off for 4.8)… with the intent of migrating the assets over. Is this a sane thing to do?

There is another reason I need to do a full engine compile… 64bit support for Windows and some GitHub trickery to merge different branches from Nvidia :\ And thanks for the support, it will be a long, stressful, and expensive project :

I’m having trouble with the software, it doesn’t seem to save the characters inventory and the animation are not working right on the player in the packaged version.

Could you email me at

Thanks for the kind words, I hope that this kit will help you bring your project to life :slight_smile:

Regarding the road map - it’s not as easy to do as it sounds. One example: I wouldn’t mind adding some character abilities to the kit, but Epic has started on GameplayAbilities module last year (for their Fortnite game) and now it looks like we might see that module in 4.9 or maybe even 4.8. So now, my implementation of abilities heavily depends on when they will finish theirs and how useful theirs is to an MMO.

Among the things that might be added soon are loading screen, quests and health regen. After that - haven’t decided yet. :slight_smile:

Hi, please add me on Skype () since it is generally much faster than writing emails. Also, make sure you’ve done the steps in “Launching for the first time” located here. If you have access to another php hosting with php 5.5+, you could also try it - switching hosting has worked for some of the MMO kit users who had problems. (free x10 hosting has been reported to work well but I haven’t tried it myself).

From my experience, environment and props usually port very well to the new releases. As for the blueprints, when I was porting the whole kit to 4.7 it wasn’t easy because they changed something in the macro libraries.

Thanks for the feedback as always. Sadly, it seems my interest in a certain code-base integration (VXGI) will be halted, at least for now. Unless, of course, I don’t mind rendering the scene at 5 FPS while wearing a VR HMD. :mad: I still need/want a 64bit client/server though.

Send you a private message about something you should know :).

Did you solve this, got the same problem actually :slight_smile:
I’m on osx, ue 4.7.3, got the db setup on a vm with windows 8.1. Have checked the db and the user is created. I cleared the user db and created a new account and the active logins now contains 3 entries so it tries to login but just won’t get to the character creation screen.

[edit] Sorry, must read first :slight_smile: i’ve seen there are solutions, gonna try them [/edit]

[edit 2] Took the easy way out and disabled the php error message settings, working now. [edit 2]

this looks like it could be the best chance for indies to get a small mmo started with relative ease. Before I drop the money on this though, I’m curious to a few things however. You may have these in your doc files or not listed but can the Interfaces get more customization? I’m looking more for opacity, fade times on certain windows, overall appearance. The later I would assume can be changed in the bp somewhere. Thanks for the time and effort you’ve tossed into this.

Looks like your getting a big crowd of buyers Code :slight_smile: I’m glad I invested :slight_smile: