Mixamo Animation Retargeting

I have a question.
Is it possible to adapt my own 3DModel that is not related to Mixamo or distributed 3DModel?
I’m Japanese because it’s a dirty English sentence.
Thank you for your answer.

Glad to know, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hi! Thanks for both the detailed report and the workaround. We are investigating the problem but we didn’t succeed to replicate the issue. Maybe it happens only with some assets or we didn’t follow properly the reported steps. I’ll write you a PM to get more information.

Hi! At the moment this plugin supports only Mixamo assets. But after the official release on the Marketplace we will analyze a version that works with Unity assets (the process should be very similar).

Any ETA on when we’ll see this in the market place?

Unfortunately not, maybe “weeks”. You have to ask to Epic :slight_smile: In alternative you can get it from Gumroad, we’ll support it at the same level of the Marketplace.

If I remember correctly the easiest way to reproduce this.

1 import a mixamo character
2 retarget to main skeleton
3 create a 2d blendspace
4 on the left side of the blend space add the **EPIC **idle animation
5 at the end of the blend space the right side add a **MIXAMO **animation… pistol IDLE is good to see
6 now slide your mouse along and watch the transition. the char should dip into the floor before finishing the animation at the end.

probably get same result if you do the same thing using the epic default character too thats set to use mixamo anims.

I’m tempted to, and might, once I go from wanting this to practically needing it. Animations are further down the pipeline on my current project. I’ll keep a close watch and remain hopefully they push it through quickly.

Thanks for the instructions, I just tried but I can’t reproduce the problem. We suspect is something related to the original used assets from Mixamo. Anyway Voradori will send us a copy of its files for a deeper inspection. If we would need more information, can I PM you too? Thanks.

So I found that bug is reproducing with old mannequin animations, maybe ones created before epic’s dipping fix
It’s not reproducing with default anims or aimstarterpack ones in new project (but my project exists more than half a year), but is actual with some marketplace anims (Pushable Actor in Blueprints - UE Marketplace)

I think they were not updated to fixed mannequin, and in may concern other marketplace anim packs
I left an invitation to asset’s dev to join our conversation

Mixamo removed UE4 support a few months ago. Before you could export as UE4, now you cannot. Only stnadard FBX. Perhaps the issue existed on previous “ue4 anims” but not on the current? I’d suggest you download one of the anims you’ve had the issue with now, but export it as standard fbx and replace or create a new blendspace. Test the same interaction but using the newer version of the same mixamo anim. If there’s no issue there then its just the old anims that are the issue. If thats the case…I’d think that no fix is really needed since those old anims aren’t existing anymore and can be replaced.

I’ve reproduced bug in clear project with freshly downloaded mixamo char and anims, and UE anims from pushable asset

My actual mixamo skeleton is taken from regular exported FBX, no matter with old mixamo exports for UE4 - i completely changed all animations when mixamo deleted UE support.

It’s definitely a problem of old unreal animations, lacking something that epic fixed few patches ago, and nothing more.


Thanks to your inputs I reproduced the issue without using any Mixamo asset, only Unreal Engine 4 characters and animations. The issue is clearly related to the pushable asset skeleton.

To reproduce the problem:

  1. create a new blank project
  2. import the pushable asset
  3. add the feature pack Top Down
  4. on both the skeletons (from pushable asset and from Top Down) set the “Humanoid” rig
  5. retarget the pushable asset animation to the Top Down skeleton (as the skeleton names are equal, look at the asset path)
  6. create a new “Blend Space 1D” asset, using the Top Down skeleton (as the skeleton names are equal, look at the asset path)
  7. at the left of the blend space, put the “ThirdPersonIdle” animation
  8. at the right of the blend space, put the retargeted “PullBackward_100” animation
  9. testing the blend space will show the issue.

I suggest to notify this issue to the asset pack author, so that he can fix it.

Hi, did someone using this plugin try to retarget a non mixamo character rigged in mixamo autorig?
If so, do you get good results?
I am having weird results specialy in shoulders.

The unique info I found was this

The rigged character with mixamo animations works just fine. Problem is when mixing the retarget char with UE sekeleton animations.

Using Fuse characters seems to work fine.
I am trying to figure out if the problem is in the auto rig process for non Fuse characters or in the Retarget process.
In either case it ends up being a problem with the worklow of Mixamo autorig -> ReTarget with this plugin, unless you use a fuse character


What kind of “weird” results are you getting, can you post screens please?
I’m also planning to use this plugin for non-fuse characters but rigged with mixamo auto-riging process that’s why I’m curious.

@BarisT sure:
Here are the comparations, as you can see, the shouldes in the non Fuse character are quite off:

Here, I am using an animation from kubold sword and shield anim pack, because with this animation you can see the problem

Here is the same animation with a Fuse character:

note that I am not trying to blame this plugin, I am happy with it. I am just trying to understand whats brong in order to consolidate my character workflow

The riged non fuse character, with fuse animations (in the mixamo site) works just fine.

Just to give an update, I was trying with lots of animations in Mixamo, and it seems to be a problem with some of them, Is less noticeable, but the problem is there. So I think the problem in the workflow is the mixamo auto rigging

If anyone have some info about this and how to solve it, you are welcome to share it :smiley:

Ok, thanks.

Hope it will be the only asset with such irritating issue
Everyone interested, let’s go to asset’s topic


quick update: Epic notified us that the plugin passed the review! We’ll keep you updated as soon as they’ll scheduled the release date.

Hey there!

It looks like an awesome plugin and I can’t wait to have the root motion setup. Great job :slight_smile:

Hey buddies, my dipping issue was resolved by pushable asset’s author by updating animations.
Thanks to everyone involved in discussion.